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Plugin Name

开发者 james.w.lane
更新时间 2014年4月3日 07:50
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.8.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


quotes admin pinky brain animaniacs pondering cartoons



This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the childhood and formative years of an entire generation that grew up in the 90’s. When activated you will see conversations between our heroes, WB’s Pinky and the Brain, appear in the admin notices section of the WP Dashboard - on every page!


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. Manual:
  1. Upload the folder “hello-pinky” to the /wp-content/plugins folder on your web server.
  2. From the Plugins page in the WordPress Dashboard click “Activate” underneath the heading for “Hello Pinky”
  3. Enjoy the glory that is Pinky and the Brain in your Dashboard! From the Repository:
  4. From the Plugins page in the WordPress Dashboard click on “Add New”
  5. Search for “Hello Pinky”
  6. Click on “Install Now”
  7. When prompted to make sure, click “OK”
  8. Once the plugin is successfully installed click “Activate Plugin”
  9. Enjoy the glory that is Pinky and the Brain in your Dashboard!


Do you work for WB?

No. But sometimes we wish we did.

Do you own the copyrights to these quotes?

No. But our bank accounts wish we did.

Will you continue to update this plugin?

As more Pinky and the Brain episodes are released we will add more content - which will sadly probably never happen. But we will do our best to make sure that the plugin is always updated to work with the latest version of WordPress.

Is that Comic Sans in the header image of the page for this plugin on the official Repo?

Yes. Yes, it is. And you like it. We heard you whispering to your friends that you thought it looked cool.

Are you as good-looking as this plugin makes you seem?

Of course. All good WordPress developers are.