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Hercules Edit Most Recent Post

开发者 toddnestor
更新时间 2015年1月19日 00:55
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


posts menu wp-admin hercules


1.0.0 1.0.1


Adds a direct link to publish the most recently published post to the Posts menu. I was trying to go in and edit my most recent post and I realized that it is something I do often. I normally have to go to the posts page and then press the link to edit the most recently published post. So I decided to save myself a step and add a direct link, thought others might like it too. Maybe in a future version I'll provide options to add direct links to edit other recently published posts.


Add this plugin by uploading the zip using the "Add Plugin" feature built into Wordpress. Otherwise manaully unzip the folder and upload the entire directory to your blog's plugins folder ( /wp-content/plugins/ ). Next you have to activate the plugin.


  • This is the link when you are in the posts area or any of the submenu items off of the Posts menu item.
  • Here is what it looks like when you hover over the posts menu item.
  • This is the link when you are in the posts area or any of the submenu items off of the Posts menu item.
  • Here is what it looks like when you hover over the posts menu item.
  • This is the link when you are in the posts area or any of the submenu items off of the Posts menu item.
  • Here is what it looks like when you hover over the posts menu item.