开发者 | madjax |
更新时间 | 2012年2月27日 19:26 |
PHP版本: | 3.2.1 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 3.3.1 |
Be sure to download Highslide from http://highslide.com/download.php and then upload the 'highslide' directory to the plugins directory. You should have a directory inside wp-content/plugins/ called 'highcycle', which then contains your 'highslide' directory.
If you're using HighCycle on a commercial website, you must purchase a license from the author of Highslide JS http://highslide.com/
'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID', 'id' => $post->ID, 'itemtag' => 'dl', 'icontag' => 'dt', 'captiontag' => 'dd', 'columns' => 3, 'size' => 'thumbnail'
[slideshow] - Available attributes and defaults:
'id' => $post->ID, 'size' => 'large', 'show' => 'selected', 'showthumbs' => false, 'linkto' => 'large', 'pager' => false, 'per_page' => 12, 'speed' => 2000, 'pause' => 0, 'delay' => 1000
By default, only images which have been selected by using the drop down in the media details 'Show in Slideshow' are included. Alternatively, include the attribute 'show=all' in your shortcode to show all attached images.
Here's an example:
if( class_exists( 'HighCycle' ) ) { $show = array( 'size' => 'home-slide', 'pager' => false, 'linkto' => 'url', 'speed' => 3000, 'timeout' => 1000 ); echo $HighCycle->highcycle_show( $show ); }
Look at the markup and apply CSS as needed. Future release will include more included styling.