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Hosting Stability Meter

开发者 znaeff
更新时间 2020年9月1日 23:37
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


speed rating benchmark hosting CPU hardware stability


1.0.0 1.0.1


Plugin for measuring hosting benchmarks stability in time. It uses several benchmarks to find out is your hoster stable or not. Like,
  1. CPU test
  2. Disk test
  3. Database test
The plugin stores benchmarks results and displays detailed graph for every benchmark. The graph shows hosting performance peaks and dips. Many peaks and dips mean low hosting stability. You can use this in hosting support conversations. The plugin uses this benchmarks library. Each benchmark takes no more that 1 second. You fully control benchmarks calls frequency. The plugin may inform you about performance lacks by e-mail. Also it may send stability benchmark results to HostingStabilityMeter.Com if you allow. It helps to maintain a rating of hosters. Note: HostingStabilityMeter.Com will never publish or give somebody neither your benchmark results nor hardware information.


  1. Install the plugin as usual in WordPress.
  2. Set up speed loss thresholds for each benchmark: CPU, Disk and Database. It's better to do after 5-6 hours of plugin's working.
  3. Enjoy!


  • Plugin's settings are very simple.
  • E-mail message.
  • Performance graphs with tooltips, thresholds and hardware information.
  • Plugin's settings are very simple.
  • E-mail message.
  • Performance graphs with tooltips, thresholds and hardware information.
  • Plugin's settings are very simple.


1.0 First version


Why do I need one more hosting benchmarks plugin?

Because it measures benchmarks stability in time, not just hardware or database speed. The response time of your site on the hosting should be stable, predictable and should not depend on the load of neighboring sites on the same hosting server or network. Unstable response times degrade SEO and usability. You can increase the speed of the site by purchasing additional resources, but even in this case, the stability may remain low. Therefore, it is important to choose a stable hosting service, this is a guarantee that you will get the desired response time of the site at any time. Hosting Stability Meter gives you information about stability of hosting services and helps you to choose the best hoster.


1.0.1 Marked as WP5 5.5 compatibile 1.0 First version