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开发者 bbqiguana
更新时间 2012年1月31日 20:53
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.3.1


title text hover swap




On my language-learning blog, I have a feature that shows a translation inline by swapping out text when the mouse rolls over it. It’s very handy, and it occurred to me that I should make it a plugin, so other people can use it too! Hoverswap allows you to create swapping elements, whose content is swapped for its title when the user hovers over them. Excellent for foreign language learning and translation web sites. Use Version 1.0 has no configuration. That will be added later. For now, in order to use the plugin, you create an EM tag containing the text you want to be active, and then you put the text for its hover state into its title attribue. Then, to ensure that only the text you WANT to be swapped gets swapped, you must wrap that in an element of the class "translate". One example implementation would be create the following unordered list: <UL class="translate"> <LI><EM title="How are you?">Como estas?</EM></LI> </UL> Features Planned features:


  1. Download the Hoverswap zip file.
  2. Extract the files to your WordPress plugins directory.
  3. Activate the plugin via the WordPress Plugins tab.

