Linux 软件免费装

Plugin Name

开发者 themeist
更新时间 2021年4月6日 20:15
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post love like recommend rating rate post rating heart dribbble like tumblr like


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This plugin allows your visitors to simply like/recommend your posts instead of comment on it. Features of I Recommend This ** Advanced Options ** ** Shortcodes ** Examples of how the plugin has been used 翻译 If you have created your own language pack (or have an update of an existing one) you can send in your .PO and .MO files so we can bundle it into I Recommend This plugin. You can download the latest POT file, and PO files in each language. This plugin is based exactly on Benoit "LeBen" Burgener's "I Like This" Plugin and has been modified after getting requests for the changes I had made on my website. Please report any bugs you find via Support Forum or via comment on
** For Developers ** If you're a developer and want to contribute, head over to I Recommend This plugin on GitHub
My Links If you love the plugin, please consider rating it and clicking on "it works" button.


  1. Upload the directory /i-recommend-this/ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. 通过WordPress的“插件”菜单激活插件
  3. Click on the Settings link below the plugin name on the plugins page
To display the recomment/like link other than at the bottom of individual post, you would have to add below code in your template <?php if( function_exists('dot_irecommendthis') ) dot_irecommendthis(); ?> Shortcode [dot_recommends] To display the most recommended posts you can below code in your template <?php if( function_exists('dot_irecommendthis') ) echo do_shortcode("[dot_recommended_posts container='div' post_type='post' number='10' year='2013' monthnum='7']"); ?> Shortcode [dot_recommended_posts post_type='post' container='div' number='10' year='2013' monthnum='7']


= 3.8.1