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IC Importer - Import posts and pages from google spreadsheet

开发者 itclan
更新时间 2022年5月25日 18:46
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


post page import excel importer spreadsheet import post google spreadsheet wp import excel import wp importer post import page import import page




IC Importer – Simple & Powerful Spreadsheet / Excel Importer Plugin You can import posts, pages content in WordPress from an Excel File with an Easy Drag & Drop functionality. You can also update your existing posts or pages. WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE IC IMPORTER? POST FIELDS SUPPORT PAGE FIELDS SUPPORT


  • Page Fields
  • Post Fields
  • Excel file upload and select post type
  • Page Fields
  • Post Fields
  • Excel file upload and select post type
  • Page Fields


Do I have to add an author name?

No, It's not required. You can add an author name or if you leave the author field empty, then the posts will import under the current user

Do I have to add a Date?

No, It's not required. You can add a Date or if you leave the date field empty, then the posts will import at the current date

Can I add Post Categories/Tags?

Yes, You can add them comma-separated in an excel column.


1.0.0 Initial release