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开发者 leandrow
更新时间 2009年2月26日 07:33
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.6


music widget sidebar images tracks album cover lastfm cd cd cover


0.1 0.2


The plugin iLast.Fm provides a complete integration between your blog and your account. You can show on your blog what musics you are listening to, your top albums, top artists, loved tracks, and much more. We show the cd covers or informations. Or both, as you want. See what we can do for you:


  1. Upload he folder /ilastfm (and all of your content) to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to iLast.Fm Options (Plugins -> iLast.Fm) and set your username and preferences
  4. Important: The folder /cache need to be writable, otherwise the cache will not work
  5. Place <ul id="ilastfm"> <?php ilastfm(); ?> </ul> in your templates (or use the widget)
  6. Listen to some music and relax (:


The cache option does not appear, why?

This probably happens because the folder /cache (inside of /ilastfm) doesn't can be writable. To solve this problem, use an FTP, go to folder cache and try put CHMOD 775.

How do I clear the cache?

Go to iLast.Fm Options and simply click in "Save Settings". Done.

Where i can get more help, tips and informations?
