Adds the capacity to edit your content from the front end of your Wordpress blog using the styling of your blog.
Using the excellent and lightweight
NicEdit WYSIWYG editor component to give you full control over the look.
The main advantages over editing this way over the traditional method is that you can see your content exactly how it will appear using all the styles and formatting of your Wordpress template, plus it's far more convenient this way.
Please report any bugs, if you don't tell us it how can we fix it? Please include your Wordpress version and other plugins you have installed.
Known issues
- Only the main content can be edited. It does not allow you to edit excerpts, titles, comments or other elements yet.
- May not work in IE6/7 or IE8 compatibility mode, update 0.6.13 attempts to resolve this issue but has not been tested on all configurations.
- Your blog must be in UTF-8;
Wordpress Admin->Settings->Reading->Encoding for pages and feed
= UTF-8
- We are aware that this plugin may not work on all configurations, so please contact us directly as we may not notice that you left a comment on
Version changes
New for 0.7.5 - Now checks pages and posts individually for editing capabilities of the logged in user instead of checking that the user has control over editing all pages and posts.
New for 0.7.2 - Changes to the saving of the post to improve compatibility with
WPML Multilingual CMS Plugin.
New for 0.7 - Able to edit multiple post/page content. AJAX load content, removing need to refresh the entire page to view changes.
New for 0.6.12 - The edit post link should now work on any theme. Many thanks to
greenshady for pointing us in the right direction to fixing the default edit link.
New for 0.6.5 - Additional configuration options added to admin area; switch for the edit button and edit link, and start editing by double clicking on the content.
New for 0.6.4 - Edit Inline button replaced with an edit image to make the button less obtrusive.
New for 0.6.2 - Encoding issues seem to have been fixed.
New for 0.6 - Removed all the javascript checking for the content and edit link (version 0.5.6) and replaced with a content wrapper and Edit Inline button, this should overcome a lot of issues with customised themes.
For a list of bug fixes please check the
other notes.