Instamojo democratizes & facilitates 2-party payments through a link over mobile (SMS, Whatsapp), social (Facebook, Twitter) & web (email, blogs).
For the end-merchant, Instamojo is an extremely lightweight e-commerce framework that lets them collect payments directly from their audience by just sharing a
branded shortlink while we take care of payment processing, hosting, dispute resolution and more.
Moreover, Instamojo requires no coding, no maintenance, no setup, no installation and goes easy on pocket (5% + 30¢ per transaction) for simple & hassle-free payment collection on-the-go.
Features & Benefits:
- Doesn't require any prior coding or technical knowledge to sell online with Instamojo WordPress plugin.
- Zero maintenance from your end.
- No setup or fuss of any kind.
- 1-click installation of buy button on your WordPress website and blogs.
- Simple honest pricing - 5% + 30¢ per transaction for USD payment & flat 5% for INR based payments (for Indian customers)
- Fantastic 1-page payment checkout experience for superb conversion.
So get started and start selling ebooks, reports, music, software, templates, event tickets, photos, tutorials, subscriptions & more like thousands others who are already making millions.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- Search for "Instamojo Button" on the WordPress Plugin directory or download it.
- Install the plugin.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
Once the plugin is installed and activated, you will be able to access a new menu under settings called Instamojo.
How to use the plugin?
- First you need to authenticate yourself using your Instamojo username and password.
- You will now be able to use the widget provided with this plugin.
- In case you wish to use your button in a page/post, you can generate a shortcode from the Instamojo Settings and use the same.