开发者 | |
更新时间 | 2024年3月5日 19:03 |
PHP版本: | 7.4 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 6.2 |
版权: | GNU General Public License v3.0 |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.We have invested a lot of development time in expanding the payment methods of the Adyen WooCommerce plugin. At the moment we support the payment methods below:
Adyen is a payment provider which supports worldwide payment methods. You can use Adyen all over the world, with local payment methods.
Yes, they can save their creditcard credentials. The creditcards will be saved within their WooCommerce account on your webshop. This functionality is similar to the iFrame. Because of compliance reasons, you don’t want to have payment details within the database of your webshop. Therefore we use tokenization. When a new payment will be done, it will use the created token. Adyen will know the payment details based on that token.
(only one-time payments)adn\core_hook_assets\public_assets
, adn\validate_fields\require_cardholder_name
, adn\validate_fields\require_cardholder_name
, adn\validate_fields\require_cvc
, adn\rest_api_hook\unexpected_event
, adn\rest_api\is_authenticated\force_full_authentication
, adn\rest_api\is_authenticated\log_unauthenticated_attempt
has been replaced with paymentMethod/storedPaymentMethodId
HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage)
, adn\process_refund\allow_sepa_direct_debit_refunds_after_capture
, adn\rest_api\payload_data
, adn\rest_api_hook\authorisation\manual_immediate_capture
, adn\rest_api_hook\authorisation\payment_completed
, adn\rest_api_hook\authorisation\payment_failed
, adn\rest_api_hook\cancellation\success
, adn\rest_api_hook\cancellation\failure
, adn\rest_api_hook\capture\payment_completed
. adn\rest_api_hook\capture\payment_failed
, adn\rest_api_hook\capture_failed
, adn\rest_api_hook\refund\sucess
, adn\rest_api_hook\refund\failure
, adn\rest_api_hook\refund_failed
, adn\rest_api_hook\cancel_or_refund\success
, \rest_api_hook\cancel_or_refund\failure
, adn\rest_api_hook\recurring_contract
Online banking Poland
which replaces the old one DotPay
to 5.33.0
to v68
and Recurring from v49
to v68
has been removed since is replaced by Online banking Poland
PHP Warning: Undefined array key "path"...
Bancontact mobile
or _informal
to avoid errors in the request to AdyenApple Pay token amount-mismatch
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/users/ivn-dev/public_html/content/plugins/integration-adyen-woocommerce/includes/service/class-service-checkout.php on line 163
for virtual & downloadable productsorigin keys
is not generated