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Integration of Zoho CRM and WPForms

开发者 bitpressadmin
更新时间 2024年9月11日 19:36
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later


Integration WPForms Zoho CRM Zoho with WPForms WPForms with Zoho Zoho and WPForms WPForms and Zoho Zoho Integration WPForms Integration



Visit plugin's website Looking for an easy way to integrate WPForms with Zoho CRM? Look no further than the Integrations of Zoho CRM with WPForms plugin from WordPress! This plugin simplifies the process of connecting your Zoho CRM account and WPForms, making it easy to collect and manage your customer data. Optimize your website's functionality with this powerful plugin today! Check out our step-by-step tutorial on Zoho CRM Integration with WPForms Things you need to use this plug-in :
  1. WPForms.
  2. Zoho CRM account. Setup process for WPForms integration with Zoho CRM:
  3. Go to this plugin
  4. Select form created by WPForms from which you want to send data in Zoho CRM
  5. Then go to Zoho CRM authorization page
  6. Click on "Zoho API Console"
  7. Select "Server Side Applications"
  8. Give a client name but I cannot contain keyword "Zoho"
  9. Copy "Homepage URL" and "Authorized Redirect URIs" from the plugin
  10. It will generate "Client ID" and "Client Secret", paste it in the plugin
  11. Complete the authorization process
  12. Now select Zoho CRM module and layout where you want to send data
  13. Map WPForms fields with Zoho CRM fields
  14. Here we go, you successfully set up the integration between WPForms and Zoho CRM.
Note: Authorization compatible with Zoho CRM Plus and Zoho One within the scope CRM. Timeline/Log: Here you can see the API response from Zoho CRM after WPForms is submitted. You will get a response whether the submission is successful or failed. It will help you to debug the situation. FEATURES ON FREE VERSION:
  1. User can send any WPForms data to leads module of Zoho CRM.
  2. Users can make one integration at a time.
  3. Users can map only two fields of Zoho CRM.
  4. This plugin allow user to send custom value also.
  5. Support file upload from WPForms widget to Zoho CRM.
  6. View the detailed log of submitted data from the plugin dashboard.
  7. Advance conditional logic.
  1. All the default modules (lead, deal, contact etc.) from Zoho CRM are available in pro plugin.
  2. Zoho CRM Custom modules are available.
  3. All the default layouts are available.
  4. Custom layouts are available.
  5. You can map unlimited field of WPForms and Zoho CRM.
  6. WordPress meta data/smart data fields are available for field mapping with Zoho CRM.
  7. Zoho CRM related list is available to send data and you can send data in multiple related list.
  8. All the actions are available in pro plugin.
  9. You can do multiple/unlimited integrations.
Here are the actions available in the pro version:
  1. Workflow: Triggers Zoho CRM workflows
  2. Attachment: Send file upload field data to Zoho CRM related list Attachments
  3. Approval list: Send entries to Zoho CRM approval list.
  4. Blueprint: Trigger Zoho CRM blueprint when a form is submitted via WPForms.
  5. Capture GCLID: Sends the click id of Google ads/AdWords ads to Zoho CRM.
  6. Upsert Record: When a form is submitted in WPForms it will check if the same data is already in Zoho CRM. If a data with the identical value exists in Zoho CRM, it will be updated with the new values, if not it will create a new record/lead/contact in Zoho CRM.
  7. Assignment Rule: Trigger assignment rules in Zoho CRM when WPForms submitted.
  8. Tag records: Add a tag to the record that is pushed in Zoho CRM.
  9. Record owner: Assign an owner of the record pushed to Zoho.
Visit plugin's website


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. From the WordPress Admin Panel, click on Plugins => Add New.
  3. Click on Upload, so you can directly upload your plugin zip file.
  4. Use the browse button to select the plugin zip file that was downloaded, and then click on Install Now.
  5. Once installed, click “Activate”.


1.0.5 *Tested with WordPress version 6.6.1 1.0.4 Release Date - 15 October 2022 1.0.3 *Tested with WordPress 6.0.0 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0