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Internal Comments

开发者 ahegyes
更新时间 2022年7月17日 23:41
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


private comments internal comments


1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.0 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.0.0 1.2.1 1.2.2


Internal Comments is a plugin that lets you post admin-facing comments that are only visible to users with admin-area access on any registered post type. After selecting the post types that support internal comments in the plugin's settings, a new metabox will appear on the edit screen of posts belonging to those post types. Users with appropriate permissions will now be able to post new internal comments. Here is a short overview of the features offered by this plugin: Premium support and features Some of the features mentioned above are only bundled with the premium version of our plugin available here. It is perfectly possible, however, to use the free version and extend it via filters and actions with your own version of the same premium features. Premium customers are also entitled to prioritized help and support through our support forum.


There are no prerequisites other than the minimum WordPress version. INSTALL FROM WITHIN WORDPRESS
  1. Visit the plugins page withing your dashboard and select Add New.
  2. Search for Internal Comments and click the Install Now button.
  3. Activate the plugin from within your Plugins page.
  1. Download the plugin from and unzip the archive.
  2. Upload the internal-comments folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
AFTER ACTIVATION If the minimum WordPress and PHP requirements are met, you will find a menu submenu "Internal Comments" under the "Settings" admin menu. There you will be able to:
  1. Choose which post types support internal comments.
  2. Choose which other features of the plugin should be enabled, if applicable.


  • Example of how the metabox looks like in the Classic Editor.
  • Example of the WP tables column.
  • Plugin settings page.
  • Example of how the metabox looks like in Gutenberg.
  • Example of how the metabox looks like in the Classic Editor.
  • Example of the WP tables column.
  • Plugin settings page.
  • Example of how the metabox looks like in Gutenberg.


Do internal comments show up on the front-end of the site?

Internal comments do not show up on the front-end nor are they included in the post's comment count. If your theme somehow bypasses our filters and displays them, please reach out to us so we can try to offer compatibility with your theme.

Can I post sensitive information in internal comments?

Internal comments are meant strictly for internal use but you should still avoid storing sensitive information. The data is not encrypted in the database and we can't promise that it won't leak. Think of these comments more as a digital version of post-its.

Is this compatible with WooCommerce?

Yes! You can use internal comments on WooCommerce orders, products, and even coupons.

Is this compatible with [insert plugin name]?

Likely yes. Internal Comments works with all registered post types that use the WordPress UI. If you don't find your post type in the plugin's settings, please raise a support question.

How can I get help if I'm stuck?

If you're using the free version, you can find more examples in our knowledge base and you can open a community support ticket here at Our staff regularly goes through the community forum to try and help. If you've purchased the premium version of the plugin on our website, you are entitled to a year of premium updates and access to our prioritized support forum. You can use that to contact our support team directly if you have any questions.

I have a question that is not listed here

There is a chance that your question might be answered in our knowledge base. Otherwise, feel free to reach out via our contact form.


1.2.4 (July 17th, 2022) 1.2.3 (March 8th, 2022) 1.2.2 (February 8th, 2022) 1.2.1 (January 14th, 2022) 1.2.0 (December 10th, 2021) 1.1.2 (September 27th, 2021) 1.1.0, 1.1.1 (September 26th, 2021) 1.0.0 (July 27th, 2021)