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Internet Connection Test

开发者 aabweber
更新时间 2014年3月2日 15:53
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.8
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


widget speed test internet test




This plugin allows you to place a widget for internet connection speed test. If your theme doesn't support widgets you can insert directly to your theme code something like that: <?php showSpeedTestHTML();?> or <?php echo getSpeedTestHTML();?> See installation section to learn how to change widget template.


  1. Upload internet-connection-test folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Appearance -> Widgets in Admin Panel and you will see a new widget
  4. Drag and drop it to appropriate section, save
  5. If your theme doesn't support widgets - add <?php showSpeedTestHTML();?> in your theme templates
  6. To change widget template copy spt-widget.php file from plugin directory to you theme directory, edit it as you want.


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