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Ipanema Film Reviews

开发者 segcgonz
更新时间 2022年11月2日 01:53
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


reviews movie picture rate cinema film critique popcorn



This plugin lets you add a film review system to your WordPress site. Using custom post types, administrators will be able to create and edit film reviews to be published on your site.


  1. Download the plugin
  2. Upload the ipanema-film-reviews folder to your site's wp-content/plugins directory
  3. Activate the plugin in the WordPress Admin Panel
  4. Set the plugin's settings
  5. Start creating new film reviews!
  6. Use the [film-review-list] shortcode to list reviews on a page.
  7. Use the [submit-film-review] shortcode to allow users to submit film reviews.


  • The review edition page
  • Custom meta boxes
  • The review edition page
  • Custom meta boxes
  • The review edition page
  • Custom meta boxes


What happens if you don't set the "Google reCaptcha"?

If you don't provide the Google reCaptcha value, users won't be allowed to submit any film review from the "Add a Film Review" form.

What happens if you don't set the "Email Notification"?

If you don't provide an email for the plugin's notifications, you will receive these kind of alerts in your "Administration Email Address".

