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开发者 overclokk
更新时间 2023年7月29日 00:25
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post google performance widget posts css photo seo gallery responsive media slideshow slider images widgets bandwidth bing bootstrap yahoo carousel optimize lazy load schema local seo microdata twitter bootstrap breadcrumbs lazy loading rich snippet breadcrumb front-end optimization responsive design italystrap local business seo local business


2.7.0 2.0.0 2.5.0 2.6.0 1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 2.0.1 2.0.2 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.2.0 2.2.1 2.3.0 2.4.0 2.4.1 2.4.2


Always make a backup before install it and always test it in a dev enviroment. Make shure you have PHP 5.3 >=, better if you have PHP >= 7.0 (PHP 7 is awesome ;-) ). If you have any trouble open a ticket. If you have any feature requests or code issue open a ticket on github. ItalyStrap will add powerful features to your WordPress site. ItalyStrap is also on github. Purpose I developed this plugin with many features because I need them in all sites created for my clients, it also extends the ItalyStrap Theme Frameworks functionality but it works fine with all WordPress themes. Think about ItalyStrap like a Jetpack with many functionality that make your site more powerful and extensible, for example: Lazyload for image with srcset support, widget and shortcode for Twitter Bootstrap Carousel (with lazyload support), widget for displaying lists of posts type with a lot of options and so on, see above for the full list of featured. This plugin is fully developed in OOP. It utilizes DI Container, Dependency Injection, Polymorphism, Inheritance, etc. If you are a developer you can extend it with his API (Dev docs coming soon). Skills required Some functionalities need to be personalized with lines of code, for example if you use the new widget for displaying posts you have to add your own CSS style to make it look like your site (you can add it in ItalyStrap > settings > Style > Custom CSS or in your theme style.css), I'm working on building some basic code snippets and documentation, but I need a lot of time to do it, please be patient with me :-). ItalyStrap will always be free This is my thanks for what WordPress has given to me. Get involved If you want to contribute click here do a fork and do a pull request to the Dev branch :-) Want to try the beta functionality? To do so you can add define( 'ITALYSTRAP_BETA', true ); to your wp-config.php file, REMEMBER that you have to do this in a development enviroment, do not do this in a production site and do always a backup. Features included:


  1. Download the latest tagged archive (choose the "zip" option) or the latest from
  2. Go to the Plugins -> Add New screen and click the Upload tab.
  3. Upload the zipped archive directly.
  4. Go to the Plugins screen and click Activate.
  1. Download the latest tagged archive (choose the "zip" option) or the latest from
  2. Unzip the archive.
  3. Copy the folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Go to the Plugins screen and click Activate.
  1. Install ItalyStrap either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory in your server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Activate your desired functionality from ItalyStrap option page.
  4. After activating ItalyStrap, read the documentation for any kind of customization.
  5. That's it. You're ready to go!
Git Using git, browse to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory and clone this repository: git clone italystrap cd italystrap composer install --no-dev Then go to your Plugins screen and click Activate.


  • Custom breadcrumbs (With Bootstrap CSS)
  • Breadcrumbs in page (With Bootstrap CSS)
  • Gallery in admin dashboard
  • Gallery with new Carousel functionality
  • Gallery shortcode with type="carousel" for Bootstrap Carousel
  • Example of Carousel in article page (740x370)
  • Example of Lazy Loading for image
  • ItalyStrap Local Business widget in admin panel
  • ItalyStrap Local Business widget in widgetized themes (sidebar, footer, ...)
  • ItalyStrap Local Business widget HTML markup example
  • ItalyStrap admin settings
  • ItalyStrap admin settings
  • ItalyStrap admin settings
  • ItalyStrap admin settings
  • ItalyStrap admin settings


2.0 2.0 is a major update. It is important that you make backups and ensure your WordPress is 2.0 compatible before upgrading, in particular the breadcrumbs, the lazyload and the carousel, please read the changelog for more information or read more here. 1.0.2 This version fixes a documentation link in admin dashboard. Upgrade as soon as possible 1.0.1 This version updates Breadcrumbs documentation. Upgrade as soon as possible 1.0.0 First release.


How can I add breadcrumbs in my site?

Add this code in your template files: <?php do_action( 'do_breadcrumbs', array() ); ?>

What if haven't I got Bootstrap CSS?

If you haven't Bootstrap CSS style for breadcrumbs don't worry about it, you have 2 options, firts option you have to develope your own style for breadcrumbs, second option you can add this css code in your css style theme: .breadcrumb{padding:8px 15px;margin-bottom:20px;list-style:none;background-color:#f5f5f5;border-radius:4px}.breadcrumb>li{display:inline-block}.breadcrumb>li+li:before{content:"/\00a0";padding:0 5px;color:#ccc}.breadcrumb>.active{color:#777}

How can I use Bootstrap Carousel?

Add attribute type="carousel" at gallery shortcode, this will show Bootstrap Carousel based on the selected images and their titles and descriptions, otherwise it will show standard WordPress Gallery.

How to activate Lazy Load for images

For activate Lazy Load there is new page "Option" in ItalyStrap panel, in that page there is a checkbox, check on LazyLoad and let the magic begin :-P

How do I change the placeholder image in Lazy Load functionality

add_filter( 'italystrap_lazy_load_placeholder_image', 'my_custom_lazyload_placeholder_image' ); function my_custom_lazyload_placeholder_image( $image ) { return 'http://url/to/image'; }

How do I lazy load other images in my theme?

You can use the ItalyStrap\Core\get_apply_lazyload helper function: if ( function_exists( 'ItalyStrap\Core\get_apply_lazyload' ) ) { $content = ItalyStrap\Core\get_apply_lazyload( $content ); } Or, you can add an attribute called "data-src" with the source of the image URL and set the actual image URL to a transparent 1x1 pixel. You can also use ItalyStrap\Core\apply_lazyload helper function for print content: if ( function_exists( 'ItalyStrap\Core\apply_lazyload' ) ) { ItalyStrap\Core\apply_lazyload( $content ); } Otherwise you can also use output buffering, though this isn't recommended: if ( function_exists( 'ItalyStrap\Core\get_apply_lazyload' ) ) { ob_start( 'ItalyStrap\Core\get_apply_lazyload' ); } This will lazy load all your images.

Lazy load uses JavaScript. What about visitors without JS active?

No worries. They get the original element in a noscript element. No Lazy Loading for them, though.

I'm using a CDN. Will this plugin interfere?

Lazy loading works just fine. The images will still load from your CDN. If you have any problem please open a ticket :-)

How can I verify that the plugin is working?

Check your HTML source or see the magic at work in Web Inspector, FireBug or similar.

I'm using my custom Bootstrap Carousel, why doesn't the second image appear?

Put the code below in your file js and type your Bootstrap Carousell ID in place of "#YOURCAROUSELID" var cHeight = 0;$("#YOURCAROUSELID").on("", function(){var $nextImage = $(".active.item", this).next(".item").find("img");var src = $"src");if (typeof src !== "undefined" && src !== ""){$nextImage.attr("src", src);$"src", "");}});

I'm using an external carousel, will Lazy Load work with it?

I tried only with ItalyStrap Bootstrap Carousel, please send me any feedback if have any issue with other carousel, however I can't guarantee to solve the issue.

How can I use Local Business widget

Simply activate functionality from ItalyStrap option page, add ItalyStrap vCard Local Business in your widgetozed area and then fill in the fields input For more informations read the documentation If you have any problem please open a ticket :-)


2.7.0 Release Date: September 30th, 2017 Dev time: 10h 2.6.0 Release Date: April 18th, 2017 Dev time: 100h 2.5.0 Release Date: April 1st, 2017 Dev time: 100h 2.4.2 Release Date: February 25th, 2017 Dev time: 20h 2.4.1 Release Date: February 25th, 2017 Dev time: 100h 2.4.0 Release Date: January 23rd, 2017 Dev time: 100h 2.3.0 Release Date: Dicember 31st, 2016 Dev time: 200h 2.2.1 Release Date: Dicember 4th, 2016 Dev time: 100h 2.2.0 Release Date: November 13th, 2016 Dev time: 50h 2.1.1 Release Date: November 10th, 2016 Dev time: 30h 2.1.0 Release Date: November 7th, 2016 Dev time: 10h 2.0.2 Release Date: October 28th, 2016 Dev time: 2h 2.0.1 Release Date: October 25th, 2016 Dev time: 4h 2.0.0 Breaking Changes Release Date: October 19th, 2016 Dev time: over a year Make backup first ;-) DEPRECATED FIX ENHANCEMENTS 1.3.3 Release Date: September 19th, 2015 Dev time: 8h 1.3.2 Release Date: August 14th, 2015 Dev time: 20h 1.3.1 Release Date: June 13th, 2015 Dev time: 1h 1.3.0 Release Date: March 4th, 2015 Dev time: 30h 1.2.1 Release Date: March 1st, 2015 Dev time: 5h 1.2.0 Release Date: February 27th, 2015 Dev time: 40h 1.1.0 Release Date: February 20th, 2015 Dev time: 80h 1.0.2 Release Date: January 8th, 2015 Dev time: 1h 1.0.1 Release Date: January 8th, 2015 Dev time: 1h 1.0.0 Release Date: January 7th, 2015 Dev time: 100h