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IvyCat AJAX Testimonials

开发者 ivycat
更新时间 2015年7月8日 06:44
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


widget referral ajax reference recommendation testimonial testimony


1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5.0 1.5.1 1.2.2 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5


IvyCat AJAX Testimonials adds a Testimonials menu item to the WordPress Dashboard navigation. You can enter Testimonials as easily as entering normal posts and you can even categorize testimonials so you can pull testimonials into different areas of a site based on their group, if needed. You can embed testimonials in your site using:
  1. Easy shortcodes in the WordPress editor,
  2. The built-in Testimonials widget, or
  3. A PHP snippet that wraps a shortcode.
You can also list multiple testimonials out in a post or page using a shortcode or PHP. Note: the IvyCat Testimonials Widget does not support listing multiple testimonials yet, although you can embed testimonial lists using shortcodes. Features Note: Plugin depends upon your theme's styles and does not contain native styles. You may have to tweak the plugin output template, or your own CSS to make your tesimonial styles consistent with the rest of your site.


You can install from within WordPress using the Plugin/Add New feature, or if you wish to manually install:
  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Upload the entire ivycat-ajax-testimonials directory to your plugins folder.
  3. In the WordPress Dashboard under Plugins, activate the plugin.
Overview Here's the gist: you add testimonials to WordPress, and assign them to testimonial groups, if necessary, so you can pull testimonials into different areas of the site. Then use simple shortcodes or a widget to embed a testimonial in a page or post. Create a Testimonial Group To create a testimonial group, go to Admin > Testimonials > Testimonial Groups and add a new group. Groups aren't mandatory, but can make it easier to segment your testimonials later. For example, if you wanted to have a specific testimonial that is shown in the Services pages of your site, you might create a group called Services so you can easily identify them in the future and add them to your shortcodes. Add Testimonials Adding testimonials is easy:
  1. Go to Testimonials > New Testimonial - this will allow you to enter the testimonial, cite (where it comes from), and embed images, if necessary.
  2. Give your testimonial a title; this is the cite, so if the testimonial is from Joe Blow, you'd enter "Joe Blow".
  3. Enter the testimonial content (text or HTML) in the main editor window, which is the body of the testimonial. Note: images, html and text are okay here.
  4. Assign the testimonial to a group, if applicable. If you haven't already created a group, click on the Add New Category link in the testimonial Groups box and add one.
  5. Give this testimonial an order in its group. If you want it to show first in your Services testimonial, set Order to 1 under Testimonial Data.
Embed a testimonial in a page or post using shortcodes: There are several shortcode variations listed below, and the shortcodes can be combined to pull only the testimonials you need, displayed how you'd like them. Changing timing on Testimonial rotation: Note: All timing speeds below are listed in milliseconds. 1000 milliseconds = 1 second 100 milliseconds = 1/10th of a second Display testimonials in a list, rather than one at a time. Want to display your testimonials in a non-rotating list, instead of one at a time? Customize testimonial list presentation Want to tweak the layout of the testimonial list output? Great, you've got two choices and both will ensure that you don't lose your changes when you upgrade the plugin. Note: This does not work when using the widget.
  1. Copy the testimonials-loop-template.php file from the plugin's directory to your theme's main directory and you can customize it any way you like. This works best if you're only showing testimonial lists in one place, or your testimonial lists always use the same styles. The plugin looks in your theme's directory for this file before using the file that comes with the plugin.
  2. Specify a custom template file in your shortcode that points to a file in your theme directory like [ic_do_testimonials template='my-custom-template.php'] Note, it's best to start by copying the testimonials-loop-template.php file to your theme folder, rename, and edit as needed.
Shortcode Examples If you wanted to pull in a total of three testimonials from the 'rubber-chicken' category, but you don't want AJAX rotation, your shortcode might look like: [ic_do_testimonials group='rubber-chicken' ajax_on='no'] Note: I didn't specify 3 testimonials because that's the default number, but I could have: [ic_do_testimonials group='rubber-chicken' ajax_on='no' quantity='3'] Or, say you wanted to dynamically rotate between five testimonials in the group called 'licorice', but you only want to show the first 30 words, followed by a link that says "find out more . . ." your shortcode would look like this: [ic_do_testimonials group='licorice' quantity='5' num_words='30' more_tag='find out more . . .'] Embed a testimonial directly in your theme template You can drop the following WordPress function in your template files, replacing the [shortcode] part with your, custom shortcode. <?php echo do_shortcode("[shortcode]"); ?>


  • A testimonial showing on a site.
  • A list of testimonials.
  • Add / edit testimonials.


1.4.2 Updated new testimonial list template. No security updates. 1.4.1 Important bug fixes. Please upgrade after reading Changelog. 1.4.0 New features & bug fixes - please update. 1.3.5 Minor update - cosmetic only. 1.3.4 Bug fixes and new features: please upgrade. 1.3.0 Bug fixes and new features: please upgrade. 1.2.3 Bug fixes: recommended upgrade. Latest versions mean latest security, latest features and the best time!


Where are the instructions?

Check the plugin's Installation tab. In an upcoming version, we'll include a page within the WordPress Admin containing a shortcode cheat sheet.

Why are the styles for the testimonials different than the other content on the page or widgets in my sidebar.

This plugin depends upon your theme's styles and does not contain native styles.

The testimonials on my site aren't matching my theme - how do I change your styles?

We don't have any built-in styles, so it's not uncommon for things to look a bit awkward in some themes, depending on the theme's CSS. Usually, with some quick poking around, you can change markup, CSS or both so the testimonials will display exactly as you'd like. Screencast coming soon . . . We recommend using a tool like Firebug or Google Chrome DevTools to identify what styles are used in your site so you can modify the output template or your stylesheet to fit. Styling Testimonials Embedded Using Shortcodes? If you're using a shortcode to display testimonials in a list, rather than individually, you can customize the testimonials-loop-template.php file to suit your site. Styling Testimonials Embedded Using Widgets? You may need to a tool like Firebug or Google Chrome DevTools to inspect the markup and CSS in your theme and adjust as needed accordingly.

What if I don't know CSS?

You might be okay, but if you need style tweaks, you can either:

  • Find a friend with some CSS chops that can help out. Or,
  • Post your questions in this plugin's support forum and we'll try to help out when we get time.

Hey guys, why don't you add a feature that ___?

This is a minimal plugin that prefers function over form. When you have ideas for new features, please post them in this plugin's support forum and we'll respond ASAP. Since this plugin is released at no charge and was originally created to scratch our own itch, we consider all feature requests closely to see if they will save us time and money. If so, we'll usually implement the feature as soon as it makes sense. If you request a feature that we don't need, but think is really cool, we might add it to the roadmap. If you've got an idea for a feature that we wouldn't use, we'll look at creating a hook or filter so you can tie in and implement it yourself. Or, you can fork our GitHub repository, create a patch, and submit a pull request.

How Can I Help Out?

If you're a developer, we'd love your help reviewing code, submitting bug reports or patches, testing, and participating over in the GitHub repository. If you're not a developer, but you can follow instructions and take notes, we'd love to have your help beta testing new releases. If you're interested in beta testing, please let us know by posting in the plugin's support forum. GitHub

I have 25 testimonials in the system, so why are only 10 are showing per page?

This plugin respects the Blog pages show at most x posts setting in WordPress under Admin > Settings > Reading. Of course, you can change this setting in the WordPress Admin, but that will likely affect all posts on your site; not just testimonials. A better way to control number of testimonials shown in a list is to modify your shortcode to add quantity='x' like so:

  • [ic_do_testimonials display='list' quantity='7'] - shows 7 posts per page
  • [ic_do_testimonials display='list' quantity='-1'] - shows all posts


1.5.1 1.5.0 1.4.2 1.4.1 1.4.0 1.3.5 1.3.4 1.3.3 1.3.1 1.3.0 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2