Linux 软件免费装


开发者 KahveDigital
更新时间 2018年3月22日 10:23
PHP版本: 1.0.6 及以上
版权: LGPL v3.0
版权网址: 版权信息


payment payment module iyzico


1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.6 1.0.1


iyzico woocommerce is the simple and lightweight implementation of payment service for woocommerce+. It's licensed under LGPL v3.0 license, therefore feel free to use it in any project or modify the source code.


Installation Login your Wordpress admin and navigate to Plugins->Installed Plugins Find the iyzico plugin and activate the module. After the successful activation of module, navigate to "Woocommerce->settings->Checkout and click iyzico checkout. Check the "Enable iyzico checkout" Define a title and description for module. Get your api keys from iyzico merchant backend. Select "popup" or "responsive" to display form on checkout page. Click Save Changes button then users are ready to pay. Users will see iyzico payment gateway option on their checkout page. Admin can see order detail under woocommerce menu. Notice : If you have installed any other theme on your woocommerce site, you have to copy below folder from this plugin: wp-content/plugin. For further information please refer to iyzico developer portal.