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WP responsive FAQ with Category

开发者 wponlinehelp
更新时间 2018年5月24日 22:35
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shortcodes wordpress faq faqs wordpress faq WordPress Plugin faq list faq plugin faq with accordion frequently asked questions jquery ui jquery ui accordion custom post type with accordion wp-faq with category



Wordpress CMS site needs a FAQs section. JD faqs plugin allows you add, manage and display FAQ on your wordpress website. This plugin is created with custom post type. Now you can also Fillter OR Display FAQ by category. Here is the example : News [wpoh_faq category="category_ID" single_open="true" transition_speed="Numeric"] sports [wpoh_faq category="category_ID" single_open="true" transition_speed="Numeric"] To use this FAQ plugin just create a new page and add this FAQ short code [wpoh_faq] OR If you want to display FAQ by category then use this short code [wpoh_faq category="category_ID"] Shortcode parameters are The faq plugin adds a "FAQ" tab to your admin menu, which allows you to enter FAQ Title and FAQ Description items just as you would regular posts. we have also used faq accordion function so that user can show/hide FAQ content. New Features include:


  1. Upload the 'jd-faq' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Activate the Jd faq list plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Add a new page and add this short code [wpoh_faq limit="-1"]


  • all Faqs
  • Add new Faq
  • How to add short code
  • Faq with category
  • preview faq


2.0 added new css and js file 1.0 Initial release


What templates FAQs are available?

There is one templates named 'faq.php' which work like same as defult POST TYPE in wordpress. You can also change the css as per your layout

Are there shortcodes for FAQs items?

Yes, Add a new faq page and add this short code [wpoh_faq limit="-1"]


2.1 1.0