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Jeepers Peepers: WP Syslog

开发者 blobfolio
更新时间 2024年4月3日 08:50
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1
版权网址: 版权信息


security monitor syslog audit trail event log system log forensics


0.5.1 0.5.2 0.5.3


Jeepers Peepers provides an extensible interface for recording WordPress events — user logins, file uploads, post deletions, etc. — to a standard system log. The resulting audit trail can then be incorporated into powerful log-monitoring tools like OSSEC for pre-emptive protection and, in the unfortunate event of a hack, used as a vital reference in the post-mortem investigation. The following events are automatically logged: Each log entry records: It will look something like this: WordPressAudit 2017-05-24 16:35:45 [warning] "tiffany" "Deactivated plugin: look-see-security-scanner"


Nothing fancy! You can use the built-in installer on the Plugins page or extract and upload the jeepers-peepers folder to your plugins directory via FTP. To install this plugin as Must-Use, download, extract, and upload the jeepers-peepers folder to your mu-plugins directory via FTP. Please note: MU Plugins are removed from the usual update-checking process, so you will need to handle future updates manually.


0.5.3 This release adds network request logging and minor code optimizations. 0.5.2 Add privacy policy hook for GDPR compliance. 0.5.1 This is the first WP-hosted release! Woo!


Is this compatible with Multi-Site?

Sorry, no. This plugin can only be added to standard (single-site) WordPress installations.

The log isn't updating...

  1. Make sure the log file exists. The default location is /var/log/wordpress/{YOUR_SITE_DOMAIN}.log, but this can be overridden by defining a constant in your wp-config.php file (see the relevant FAQ section below).
  2. Make sure WordPress/PHP can reach the file. For PHP sites with open_basedir restrictions, this means whitelisting the path to the log file. If the hosting environment is chrooted or jailed, the log location will need to be within the same boundaries.
  3. Make sure the log file's ownership/permissions allow PHP to write changes to it. This varies by environment, but a good place to start is assigning the same owner:group to the log file used by your WordPress files.

Does this require any theme or config changes?

By default, the log is written to /var/log/wordpress/{YOUR_SITE_DOMAIN}.log. If this path exists and works for you, then no, logging will happen without any intervention. To modify the default behavior, you will need to define a couple constants in your wp-config.php file. See the relevant FAQ section below.

List of configuration constants

The following constants can be defined in your wp-config.php file to override the default behaviors.

  • (string) BLOBAUDIT_SITE_URL Your site's domain, for logging purposes. By default, this will be your site's domain name, lowercased, and without a leading www. subdomain.
  • (string) BLOBAUDIT_LOG_PATH The absolute path to the log file. Default: /var/log/wordpress/{YOUR_SITE_DOMAIN}.log
When using a custom log location, please choose one that is outside the web root. You don't want just anybody looking at it. :)

Logging custom events

The plugin includes action callbacks you can trigger in your code to record a custom event. // In order of severity... do_action('syslog_debug', $message, $internal); do_action('syslog_notice', $message, $internal); do_action('syslog_info', $message, $internal); do_action('syslog_warning', $message, $internal); do_action('syslog_error', $message, $internal); do_action('syslog_critical', $message, $internal); All actions accept the following:

  • (string) $message The event message.
  • (bool) (optional) $internal Prefix the severity with an @ to mark it as "internal". Default: FALSE


0.5.3 0.5.2 0.5.1