The plugin catches most JS errors, logs them, and displays them in a dashboard widget.
Here are some of its features:
Except for the plugin settings, there is no database storage involved. Log is written in a ".log" file.
Display latest JS errors in a dashboard widget.
Refresh errors from the dashboard widget.
See the full error log on a separate page.
Ignore errors if the user agent contains a specific string.
Ignore errors if the error contains a specific string.
Ignore errors if the script url contains a specific string.
See which page and which script triggered the errors.
Choose the maximum amount of errors to log per page load.
Exclude logging errors from specific post types.
Choose how ajax calls are made.
The plugin cleans the log every 24 hours, to only keep the last 100 entries.
You may use the "jserrlog_max_log_entries" WP filter to enable more or less entries, by returning an integer:
add_filter('jserrlog_max_log_entries',function(){return 200;})
The plugin works with multisite. There's one error log per site.