开发者 | berkux |
更新时间 | 2025年2月3日 00:14 |
PHP版本: | 7.0 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 6.7 |
版权: | GPLv3 |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
Check the JCI manual, please = Where to start? Give it a try: The JCI plugin's block comes with a simple, easy-to-understand example. This lets you learn how JCI works without any risk.
This plugin enables you to insert a WordPress shortcode or a Gutenberg Block within any page, post, or Custom Post Type (CPT). This facilitates the retrieval of data from an API, which you can then manipulate, such as converting it to HTML for display purposes. Connecting an API to WordPress offers enhanced content management, extended functionality, personalization and scalability. It enables real-time data display, third-party service integration, and process automation, making your website dynamic and powerful. The plugin parses almost any JSON-feed and allows you to display all data on your website: Import data from an API or Webservice to display it on your website.
Select the 'JSON Content Importer' option from the Admin Menu. Upon doing so, you'll be presented with various tabs, one of which is labeled 'Check Installation.' Ensure all the tests conducted here are successfully passed for the optimal functioning of the plugin. Then use the Shortcodes from Tab "Step 1: Get data" and if successful "Step 2: Use data". If that does not work, check Tab "Support".
This plugin is made in munich, bavaria, germany! Famous for Oktoberfest, FC Bayern Munich, AllianzArena, TUM, BMW, Siemens, seas, mountains and much more...
'[jsoncontentimporter * url="http://...json" * numberofdisplayeditems="number: how many items of level 1 should be displayed? display all: leave empty or set -1" * urlgettimeout="number: who many seconds for loading url till timeout?" * basenode="starting point of datasets, the base-node in the JSON-Feed where the data is" * oneofthesewordsmustbein="default empty, if not empty keywords spearated by ','. At least one of these keywords must be in the created text (here: text=code without html-tags)" * oneofthesewordsmustbeindepth="default: 1, number: where in the JSON-tree oneofthesewordsmustbein must be?" ] This is the template: Any HTML-Code plus "basenode"-datafields wrapped in "{}" {subloop:"basenode_subloop":"number of subloop-datasets to be displayed"} Any HTML-Code plus "basenode_subloop"-datafields wrapped in "{}". If JSON-data is HTML add "html" flag like "{fieldname:html}" {/subloop:"basenode_subloop"} [/jsoncontentimporter]' * templates like "{subloop-array:AAAA:10}{text}{subloop:AAAA.image:10}{id}{/subloop:AAAA.image}{/subloop-array:AAAA}" are possible: one is the recursive usage of "subloop-array" and "subloop". the other is "{subloop:AAAA.image:10}" where "AAAA.image" is the path to an object. This is fine for some JSON-data.