Create random events anywhere on your website to get your visitors excited while increasing your pageviews, time on site, and customer loyalty. You can give away anything you want to rewards visitors. For example you could give away a free report, product, software license, or coupon code with Juggernaut Random Events. You also get to choose the how often your random events are triggered so it's a total surprise for visitors. :)
Introducing Juggernaut Random Event from Juggernaut Plugins
Introducing Juggernaut Random Events Pro from Juggernaut Plugins, multiple Random Events, widgets and shortcode support for full control over your Random Events!
each event now can have unique chances, location, call to action, destination URL, featured image, and color scheme!
each Random Event now has an enabled and disabled parameter to allow for better control during set up.
initial release
added options page,
chance option,
added random looping through multiple locations
new pop up and admin page designs,
added new call to action field
choose specific locations instead of just random looping, widget's and shortcodes coming in next couple versions :)
added destination URL for prize ( squeeze page )
added 100% chance for testing or other creative purposes
added popup modal option for location and a close buttons
added default field values
fixed random and model views to function properly
added photo uploading through wp admin
popup can be closed even when it's not a modal.
added modal / nonmodal logic for displaying and closing correctly
cleaned up undefined variables!
introducing Juggernaut Random Event Pro!
Added widget for displaying the Random Event in any widget area.
Added shortcode support so that you can have full control over where your pop up happens!
Added custom post type for multiple random event support.
Added option for modal window pop up
Added live preview on Random Event Creation Page
Added Customization options for background and font colors for the random even titles, description, call to action, no thanks link, and the modal overlay background.
Added view counts for each random event
added some information to the "All Events" overview page of Random Events.
Cleaned up the cluster of metaboxes for the random even:
Put view count in the publishing box,
removed enabled/disabled ( core WP features draft/publish will be used now),
combined 'jre_chance()' and 'jre_location()', with jre_customize!
post types for styling and moved some static CSS from juggernaut_random_event_pro.php over
can now schedule your random events to start at a specific date.
changed modal positioning back to
position: fixed;
updated author names for - they're case sensitive!
removed enabled/disabled column from All Events overview page.
if ( $modal_active > 0 ) { // do nothing } else { }
to `if ( $modal_active == 0 ) { }