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Just Another Author Information Widget

开发者 Razesdark
更新时间 2011年2月19日 20:43
PHP版本: 2.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.0.1


widget author information




This plugin was concieved, when i wanted the author information in my site's widget. However, none of the existing plugins looked the way i wanted, and all of them were quite hard to modify. So i made another one which is more versatile and easier to modify to your own liking.


The installation process of this plugin is very simple.
  1. Upload the folder and content just-another-author-widget to /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu in the Wordpress Administrative Panel
  3. Place the Widget at desired location from the Widget Menu in the Wordpress Administrative Panel


0.2 When you upgrade from 0.1.x to 0.2, your widget template will be replaced. This is because the format for all tags have changed from using two underscores before and after a tag to using squared brackets like BBCodes. 0.1 None yet


How do i modify the looks of this widget?

By modifying the widget_template.html file from the editor, you can easly modify the looks of the widget. It is full of markers, which will be replaced with live information when shown on the website.

What are the tags available to me?

[TITLE] = Is ment to be used as the widget title, the value is set from the widget controlpanel [AUTHOR] = Its value is the display name selected in authors profile [AUTHORFULLNAME]= First name + Last name, to ensure a nice looking widget [IMAGE] = Returns the users avatar, size can be set from the control panel. [SHORTPROFILE] = A Truncated version of the Biography from the authors profile, the length can be set from the widget controlpanel [FULLPROFILE] = A Full version of the Biography from the authors profile [WEBSITELINK] = Value is a full link to users website if he has one. If not, the value is empty. Text of link can be set from widget controlpanel [WEBSITEURL] = The url to authors website [WEBSITETEXT] = The value set for the website link in the widget control panel [PROFILELINK] = A link to the users profile on site [PROFILEURL] = A url to the users profile on the site [PROFILETEXT] = The value set for the author link in the widget control panel [POSTCOUNT] = The authors postcount on the site(not comments only posts) Most of these tags can be turned on and off from the widget control panel. Turn off the ones you don't use to make it render faster.


0.2.1 0.2.0 0.1.3 0.1.2 0.1.1 0.1