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Just-In-Time Sales Offers

开发者 jkohlbach
更新时间 2018年9月26日 10:27
PHP版本: 3.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


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VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Advanced Coupons FREE VERSION: Just-In-Time Sales Offers gives WooCommerce store owners the ability to show quick popup offers just prior to a customers purchase, all based on what they're currently purchasing.
  1. Detect what your customer has in their cart
  2. Show a personalised up-sell or cross sell offer based on cart contents
  3. Automatically add products and coupons to the cart
Some features at a glance: CART CONTENTS DETECTION Advanced conditions that let you define exactly when a popup Offer should show to the customer based on what is in their shopping cart. A few examples:
  1. If they have "Product A" in their cart, present an offer for a bulk pack instead along with a 20% off coupon.
  2. If they have more than 5 of "Product B" in their cart, present an offer to get a free Product X if they purchase "Product B Bulk Pack" instead.
  3. If they have both "Product C" and "Product A" in their cart at the same time, present an offer for Bundle A for 15% off.
The Premium version extends the conditions you can use. Detect when there are cart items are from a particular Product Category, whether the customer has a particular User Role (great for promoting to Wholesale or special customers), if the cart is over a certain subtotal threshold, whether the customer is logged in or not, and more! AUTOMATICALLY ADDS PRODUCTS & COUPONS Define which products and/or coupons should be added to the cart when the customer accepts the Offer. The items are automatically added to the shopping cart and they are presented with their complete order ready for purchase. MULTIPLE OFFERS Lets you have multiple Offers so you can define different up-sells based on what your customer is buying at the time. WORKS OUT OF THE BOX No funny scripts or templates to setup. It just works straight out of the box with WooCommerce and will work with most themes. We're also constantly testing new themes and plugin combinations to ensure maximum compatibility. PREMIUM ADD-ON Click here for information about the Just-In-Time Sales Offers Premium add-on: Some premium features at a glance:
  1. Loads more Offer conditions to test (check for product categories, customer logged in/out, customer's user role, and loads more!)
  2. Show popup Offers on any post, page, product, product category archive... pretty much anywhere on your site!
  3. New WooCommerce reports focused around Offer performance
  4. Do more if a customer accepts the offer (remove products from the cart, remove coupons from the cart)
  5. Do more if a customer declines the offer (show another offer straight away, redirect to a specific page, redirect to a specific product)
We also have a whole bundle of marketing automation plugins available at:


  1. Upload the just-in-time-sales-offers/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Setup your first popup Offer under WooCommerce->Just-In-Time Sales Offers and follow the instructions
  4. ... Profit!


There is a new version of Just-In-Time Sales Offers available.


1.2.7 1.2.6 1.2.5 1.2.4 1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.0