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Just Likes and Dislikes

开发者 GregRoss
更新时间 2024年3月2日 00:21
PHP版本: 5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


posts comments pages like dislike


2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.3


Just Likes and Dislikes is a fork of the excellent Post Like Dislike and Comment Like and Dislike by WP Happy Coders Just Likes and Dislikes enables like and dislike icons for posts, pages and comments. Choose between multiple predefined icon sets or use your own custom like/dislike icons, the choice is yours. Just Likes and Dislikes increases the interaction with the WordPress by enabling likes and dislikes buttons along with the count. See full features list below: Shortcode [just_like_and_dislike id=post_id] or [jlad id=post_id] Please replace post_id with the id of the post or remove id parameter for considering the post id as the id of global $post object [just_like_and_dislike_top_table count=10] or [jlad_top_table count=10] Options available are: | | Post Title | 👍️ | |-|------------|----| |1| Cool post | 6 | |2| Nice post | 3 | |3| [no title] | 2 | | | Total | 11 | | | Page Title | 👎️ | |-|------------|----| |1| Cool page | 8 | |2| Nice page | 4 | |3| [no title] | 1 | | | Total | 13 | The table has a css class of jlad_shortcode_table, so you can style it with css, for example: ``` .jlad_shortcode_table thead, .jlad_shortcode_table tfoot { background-color: #000077; color: #FFFFFF; } .jlad_shortcode_table tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f2f2f2; } .jlad_shortcode_table td:last-child { text-align: center; width: 20%; } .jlad_shortcode_table tfoot td:first-child { text-align: right; } ``` Creates a table with blue background and white text header/footer rows, zebra stripes on the post list, centers the likes/dislikes column and aligns the "Total" in the footer to the right of the column. Custom Function <?php echo do_shortcode('[just_like_and_dislike id=post_id]');?> Please replace post_id with the id of the post or remove id parameter for considering the post id as the id of global $post object


  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress Plugins screen.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Just Likes and Dislikes settings page inside the Posts Menu to configure the plugin.


  • Like Dislike Basic Settings
  • Like Dislike Design Settings


There is a new update. Please update to the latest version to get the new features and bug fixes.


What does this plugin do ?

This plugin provides the ability to add the like and dislike buttons for WordPress native posts, pages and comments.

I have enabled the plugin but like and dislike icons are not being displayed. What may be the reason ?

The plugin uses the_content filter to append like and dislike icons . So if your active theme's posts template doesn't use the_content filter to display posts content then the plugin won't be able to display like and dislike icons. You can still use the plugin, but you'll have to add some custom code to your theme (see custom function above) to support it.

Is there any hooks available to extend the plugin ?

There are a few available to add new default icon template options, see the code for details.

I want to display in the post detail template. Do you have a custom function?

We do have a shortcode [just_likes_and_dislikes] which can also be used as custom function through <?php echo do_shortcode('[just_likes_and_dislikes]');?>

How do I migrate from Posts Like Dislike and Comments Like Dislike?

There is no built in migration tool at this time, however if you have access to your SQL server (probably phpMyAdmin), you can run some simply queries to migrate the data. To do so, do the following steps: *** WARNING: The following steps are destructive and a one time process. ***

  1. Disable Posts Like Dislikes, Comments Like Dislike, and Just Likes and Dislikes.
  2. Remove the Posts Like Dislikes and Comments Like Dislike plugins from WordPress.
  3. Login to your SQL server and run the following SQL queries: `` DELETE FROMwp_commentmetaWHEREmeta_keyLIKE 'jlad_%'; UPDATEwp_commentmetaSETmeta_key= REPLACE(meta_key`, 'cld_', 'jlad_');
DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key LIKE 'jlad_%'; UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key, 'pld_', 'jlad_'); ``` 4. Enable Just Likes and Dislikes. This above will do two things:
  • remove any existing Just Likes and Dislikes data from the database so there are no conflicts with the old data.
  • rename the Posts Like Dislike and Comments Like Dislike data to Just Likes and Dislikes data, making it available to only Just Likes and Dislikes. If you want to go back to Post Likes Dislikes and Comments Likes Dislikes, you can reverse the process:
  • Disable Posts Like Dislikes, Comments Like Dislike, and Just Likes and Dislikes.
  • Remove the Just Likes and Dislikes plugin from WordPress.
  • Login to your SQL server and run the following SQL queries: `` DELETE FROMwp_commentmetaWHEREmeta_keyLIKE 'cld_%'; UPDATEwp_commentmetaSETmeta_key= REPLACE(meta_key`, 'jlad_', 'cld_');
DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key LIKE 'pld_%'; UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_key = REPLACE(meta_key, 'jlad_', 'pld_'); ``` 4. Enable Posts Like Dislikes and Comments Like Dislike. If there are enough requests I can add this feature to the plugin.


2.6 2.5.1 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.0.8 1.0.7 1.0.6 1.0.5 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0