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Kill Preview 2

开发者 jovelstefan
更新时间 2007年7月7日 23:29
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.1.3


preview post edit write


2.0.1 2.1


Support and development is stopped! The functionality given by this plugin is built into WP versions from 2.2 anyway... The plugin removes the preview iframe and adds a preview link instead: The preview iframe in the post/page writing screen will be removed to load this page faster. Additionally there will be a link to the preview in the upper right corner of the screen, which opens a new window to the preview of the edited post/page. The plugin is based on the Kill Preview plugin by Owen Winkler, that did not work with WordPress 2.1. This version does ;)


Just drop the file "killpreview.php" from the zip-file into your plugin directory and activate the plugin.