Kindle-This is a sidebar widget that displays a button for sending a blog page to a user's Kindle using automatic conversion. It also includes a shortcode to send individual posts or pages to a Kindle.
The contents of the current page are extracted and the title, post date, and content are formatted into a simple page that is sent to the kindle service for conversion into a kindle file. The results are not a web page, but a Kindle document so that links, images, embeds, JavaScript, etc may not appear. This conversion process at Amazon does this, and we have not control over it.
The Kindle-This form requires the user to enter his Kindle email id and the email address that is authorized to send documents to the Kindle service. The authorized email is not stored in order to prevent Kindle spam.
The plugin uses only the service so the document will appear on the Kindle device as soon as the user makes a wifi connection. The address no longer works for me. The web address is now an option. You will have to check "Use" or "Use" addresses.