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Knovio-KnowledgeVision Embed

更新时间 2016年1月29日 23:36
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


video presentations




This free plugin makes it easy to embed any Knovio or KnowledgeVision online presentation onto a WordPress page or post. Knovio and KnowledgeVision presentations are multimedia objects that combine video or audio narration with presentation slides, PDF’s, photos, and other images to explain concepts, teach techniques, pitch ideas, advocate causes, and many other applications. This plugin is designed to be used in conjunction with Knovio or one of KnowledgeVision’s other content creation apps, such as KVStudio or Match. You can obtain WordPress short codes for your presentations by going to the Share page in your Knovio or KnowledgeVision Library, and obtaining a shortcode to embed your presentation in any WordPress page or post. The plugin also helps WordPress to recognize and properly display any Knovio or KnowledgeVision presentation, just by inserting the URL of the presentation into the text of a page or post.


To install the plugin:
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/knovio-knowledgevision-embed directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress


  • You can obtain WordPress short codes for your presentations by going to the Share page in your Knovio or KnowledgeVision Library (
  • Pasting embed shortcode to the text editor.
  • Resulting presentation view in the content of post or page.


How do I obtain the WordPress code for any Knovio or KnowledgeVision presentation?

To obtain the code that works with the plugin to embed the multimedia player on your WordPress page or post, you should:

  1. Navigate to your Knovio or KnowledgeVision library (;
  2. Choose the presentation you’d like to share and press the SHARE button;
  3. Click the “Get Embed Code” link
  4. Choose the WordPress option, and copy the code that’s shown onto your clipboard;
  5. Paste the code where you’d like it on your WordPress page or post.

How do I make a Knovio or KnowledgeVision presentation?

The easiest way to get started is to sign up for the free Knovio app at Upload a PowerPoint, narrate it with your webcam or computer microphone, and publish it to the web. Then you can use this plug-in to place it onto your WordPress pages and posts.

