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Knowledge Token

开发者 tonisives
更新时间 2022年7月27日 20:25
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


token crypto knowledge nft


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2


Knowledge Token is a tool to help content writers promote and monetise their publications. It also helps readers to store their knowledge. Content writers create Knowledge Tokens that readers can claim. These tokens are NFT-s stored on the Polygon blockchain. Knowledge token claiming widget can be embedded in Wordpress or any other blogging platform via a HTML snippet. Readers can browse their reading history in the Knowledge Token web app.


Create a new Knowledge Token You first need to create a Publication NFT for each of your posts. Knowledge Token will read your blog post information from the Publication NFT. Go to the Create page and connect your MetaMask wallet. On the first visit, you need to register yourself as a Writer and wait for the application to be approved. After being approved as a writer, you can create Publications. Enter Publication information, and then mint the NFT. This NFT is the Publication NFT. Knowledge Token NFT will read information from this Publication. Please see more information in the official documentation Add the Knowledge Token widget to your post Add the Knowledge Token widget to your Wordpress page. Set the Publication # value according to your Publication NFT from the Create page. Optionally set the widget's 2 lines of text. Test the widget You can add the Knowledge Token widget to your page and set the Publication # to 2. You can then test the minting process for a free Knowledge Token.


  • Layout of the Knowledge Token mint dialog.
  • Knowledge Token widget layout editor.
  • Layout of the Knowledge Token mint dialog.
  • Knowledge Token widget layout editor.
  • Layout of the Knowledge Token mint dialog.
  • Knowledge Token widget layout editor.

