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Chatbot with ChatGPT, Live Chat by Kommunicate

开发者 devashishmamgain
更新时间 2024年2月26日 20:31
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


customer service chatbot live chat plugin free live chat Live Chat chat plugin free chatbot Chatbot chat widget chat for web chatbot plugin Customer Support Live Support WordPress live chat Live Chat Software Kommunicate Live Chat Customer Chat 24×7-365 live Support Live Chat Services Live Chat Support Amazon lex chatbot Kommunicate chatbot Chat widget WordPress chabot Dialogflow chatbot customer support automation IBM Watson chatbot Website chatbot live chat WordPress plugin


1.0.0 1.1 1.0.1



Adding live chat on your WordPress websites and as easy as it gets. Leverage the live chat to interact with your website visitor and customers easily by following these steps : Note: You will need a free kommunicate account to get APP_ID: Sign Up here


  • Kommunicate plugin settings page.
  • Kommunicate chat-widget.
  • Live chat.
  • CSAT ratings.
  • Greet your visitors automatically with customised welcome messages.
  • Show away messages to visitors when your entire time is away or offline.
  • Optimise your customer support using powerful bots analytics.
  • Kommunicate Helpcenter.
  • Customise the look and theme of your chat widget.
  • Build your own custom bots using AI-powered, no-code, and GUI chatbot builder.
  • Human-agent analytics.
  • Integrate your bot with kommunicate.
  • Welcome message.


1.0.0 Initial release 1.0.1
  • Adding Docs link
  • Revamp Plugin UI and fixes


Are you GDRP compliant?

Yes, Kommunicate is GDPR compliant. We are committed to your data privacy and security. Please review our privacy policy to know more. If you have any questions about data privacy and security, you can mail us at

Is there a free plan?

No, we don't have a free plan. Our pricing starts at 100$/month.

How does the 30-day trial work?

You can sign up for free to leverage the benefits of the full-fledged support platform for 30 days. Credit card details are not required for the trial period. Post the 30 days; you can upgrade to your preferred plan to continue using the platform.

How can I add team members?

You can add a team member by inviting them from the Kommunicate Dashboard. Go to Dashboard→ Settings and click on 'Teammates' under the 'Team' section. Just enter the emails of your team members, assign their roles, and we will send them an invitation to join your team. Please note that your billing will automatically change once you update the number of agents you have.

How can I add a bot in live chat?

You can easily add bots in the Kommunicate live chat widget. Go to the Bot section, you can make your own bot using our GUI bot builder - Kompose OR integrate Dialogflow, Amazon Lex, and any other third-party/custom bot. Then assign the conversations to your newly created bot from the Conversation Rules section. Refer to our docs to know more about bot configuration.

Is there a way to store templated messages for a quicker response?

You can use Quick Replies to create templated messages for generic user queries. Go to Dashboard → Setting and click on Quick Replies under the Team section. Click on 'Create Shortcut' and enter a shortcut name and full message to be displayed. One example could be using 'bot' as a message shortcut for 'Are you looking for bot integration? We can help you. You can use Kommunicate's Dialogflow integration to make your bot or request a custom bot from us'. You can trigger this message in chat by sending a word preceded by a slash(/) and shortcut name. '/bot' in the case mentioned above.


1.0.0 1.0.1 1.1