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KP Fastest Social Chat

开发者 kreativopro
更新时间 2020年11月4日 19:06
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later


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We at Kreativo Pro specialize in speeding up WordPress websites. But in 2017 we ran into a new challenge when more and more WordPress users started using Whatsapp Chat Buttons. Why to Use Whatsapp Live Chat? According to Neil Patel, Live Chat increases conversion rate by 45%. And we can verify this data ourselves as we use Live Chat on our own WordPress website. Customers just love it! But Whatsapp Chat widgets are known to slow down websites. We speed up thousands of WordPress websites every month and thus we soon realized that we needed a solution to the Slow Whatsapp Chat Widgets. Why this plugin? A lot of Our customers wanted to use Whatsapp Live Chat and still wanted a very fast website. This is when our team got together one Sunday to discuss a possible solution and we found a great idea. This plugin is a result of that idea. For more than a year, we kept this plugin within our own company and used only for our own customers. But we realized that we could help a lot more WordPress users by just realising it publicly. And giving back to WordPress community has always been our objective. So, here we present you our secret idea :) If you want to use Whatspp Live Chat and still want a very fast WordPress website, then just use this plugin. How KP Fastest Whatspp Chat compares with other chat plugins? There are a lot of Whatspp Chat plugins for WordPress. But they are heavy and lack the speed angle that we are hitting with our plugin. You can use any other Whatspp chat plugin and our plugin and compare website speed using GTMetrix or Pingdom or Google Pagespeed Insights. The speed (load time) and scores with our plugin are higher. This plugin does not use any JavaScript at all. The great thing is that our codes can be combined and minified by Popular caching plugins like WP Fastest Cache, Autoptimze, WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache etc.


  • Settings Page
  • Settings Page
  • Settings Page
  • Settings Page
  • Settings Page


First Release.


What exactly does KP Fastest Whatsapp Chat do?

Our plugin is Whatsapp Chat plugin that adds a Whatspp chat button on your website and it does not slow down your WordPress website. Users can click the button and message with you directly on Whatspp.

Can you set up KP Fastest Whatspp Chat for me?

Yes. We can set up the plugin for you. We charge a one-time fee. Please contact us here: Kreativo Pro

How do I install KP Fastest Whatspp Chat?

Install the plugin. Choose your preferred Whatsapp Button Style, add your phone number, add your message and choose a display position. That's it.

What if I have a problem / need support ?

You can find us in the WordPress support forum for this plugin.


The Kreativo Pro blog is the best place to learn in more detail about any important changes. 1.0.0 - 17/Jul/2019