Bug Fix: class 'lct_acf_filter' does not have a method 'after_save_post' in V:\wamp\www\0lwi\system.brayandscarff.com\x\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 525
Bug Fix: For Avada versions that do not have of_options(), causing FATAL error
Removed: add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_image', 'lct_opengraph_single_image_filter' ); as it was actually causing errors now with the newer version of Yoast SEO
Fixed a bug that will now redirect to the directory to check if a file exists and then it will return false. lct_js_uploads_dir() & lct_css_uploads_dir()
Added lct_avada_save_options() to do_action( 'avada_save_options' );
Fixed bug that was showing an empty admin bar to visitors
Added shortcode [theme_css]
Cleaned up some code bugs in /misc/shortcodes.php
Stopped saving directory in uploads when the plugin is activated
Deprecated lct_get_test()
Deprecated lct_php()
Deprecated lct_copyyear()
Moved /misc/shortcodes.php TO /features/shortcode/shortcode.php
Moved /features/lct_post_content_shortcode/index.php TO /features/shortcode/lct_post_content.php
Moved /features/shortcode_tel_link.php TO /features/shortcode/tel_link.php
Moved /features/misc_functions.php TO /features/function/_function.php