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LeaDroid Chat

开发者 joonaheino
更新时间 2016年8月27日 16:10
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


chat sales support lead live LeaDroid co-bowse




LeaDroid Chat is a full-feature sales/customer service chat that’s super easy to operate and install. Know even more about your visitors and help people engage with your offering in a very compelling way. Highlights:
  1. Unlimited operators, unlimited chats.
  2. Start conversations automatically (you decide how and when)
  3. Everything is saved, archived and easy to search, export and manage.
  4. Chrome extension
Usability: Desktop notifications, know when rep or customer typing, co-browsing, resume after closed chat, chat archive, send delayed messages, priority queue, user blocking, multiple chats at the same time, multiple operators, automatically assigned departments, chat transcript by email, auto responder, start chats automatically. Analytics: Integrates with Google Analytics, Geolocation, Chat statistics generation, top chats, reports, online user map. Tech stuff: XMPP support, HTTPS support, SMTP support, Cron jobs, callbacks, configure start fields, XML, JSON export module, No third party cookies, Advanced embed code generation with numerous options of includable code, Voting/polling module, Flexible permissions (Roles, groups, users), co-browsing, file upload.


This section describes how to install the plugin and set it up. For further instructions with screenshots, please visit
  1. Upload wp-lea-droid-chatfolder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the settings menu in Wordpress - you will see the LeaDroid chat menu there.
  4. Copy the LeaDroid chat code from your LeaDroid admin page (or the email we sent you) and paste it in to the text box in LeaDroid Chat Plugin settings. Click \"Save settings\".
  5. You\'re good to go! Access settings and start chatting away through the URL we sent you via email.


  • WP - settings
  • Chrome Extension
  • Control Panel