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Line Break Shortcode

开发者 ReynoldsTimJ
更新时间 2011年2月24日 23:07
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.0.5


shortcode br linebreak line break



Use this to force line breaks into your posts and pages. It is simple. [br] will add a line break. It won't be filtered out by TinyMCE. There are no attributes. Not much else to see here. I couldn't find a plugin that did this anywhere. Thought that was odd. Example time! If your text editor content looks like this: Hello this is my [br] example! The HTML will end up: ` Hello this is my example! ` Because the default styling of a paragraph tag adds an area of white space below it this may result in more of a break than you wanted. Solution: Hello this is my [br] example! Which results in the following HTML: ` Hello this is my example! ` Question/Comments: Please hit up the forum or drop me a line at


Install this just like any other Wordpress plug-in. Either upload it into your wp-content/plugins directory or load it through the Upload web interface.


1.0.1 Updated structure in SVN to get plug-in to work. 1.0 - Initial check-in. I don't predict there will be many changes to this plug-in.