Linux 软件免费装


开发者 ZmeyNet
更新时间 2013年4月7日 19:32
PHP版本: 2.8.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.1


posts plugin links keywords SEO Posts seo links


1.0 1.1


If you have good Blog (with good content) and want to promote some good sites of yours/your clients this plugin is for you. LinkRobo do all job for you. You can input Urls(of your clients) and some keywords LinkRobo use for each url. LinkRobo turns such Keywords in your posts into SEO links. It has Monitor page and some Settings, your cat Export plugin settings for another blogs Follow Installation guidelines Please report any bug in the LinkRobo starting your subject title with : "(LinkRobo 1.1)". Thank you


  1. Make sure you have already installed WordPress 2.8.6 or above.
  2. Unzip the LinkRobo package.
  3. Upload the linkrobo folder into wp-content/plugins.
  4. Log in to your WordPress admin and point your browser to "Plugins" page.
  5. Activate LinkRobo plugin.
  6. Point your browser to "Settings > LinkBot Settings", fill and save the settings.
  7. Once everything is installed, you can visit "Tools > LinkBot Monitor".


  • no.
1.1 Fixes bug related to link placement. Please, upgrade.


1.0 1.1