The plugin display the list of S&P 500 companies. You can place the shortcode [mx_display_s_and_p_500] to your website and to allow your users looking for a company by name.
This plugin is based on the functionality ( List of companies that you can see, is provided by (free resource).
How does it work?
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit 'Plugins > Add New'
- Search for 'List the S&P 500 Constituents Financials'
- Activate the plugin from your Plugins page.
- Download 'List the S&P 500 Constituents Financials'.
- Upload the 'List the S&P 500 Constituents Financials' directory to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc...)
- Activate 'List the S&P 500 Constituents Financials' from your Plugins page.