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Listable WPAI Addon

开发者 ajouda66
更新时间 2016年7月22日 18:17
PHP版本: 4.5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


wp all import import job listings import listable theme import listable listings listable import listable import listable image wpai wp all import add-on wpai add-on



The Listable WPAI Addon for [WP All Import] makes it easy to bulk import your listings and related images to the Listable theme quickly. Add a dedicated section to the geolocation of each listing. (Latitude, Longitude, etc.). If you already have the geolocation of each listing, this section solve the inherent limitation of free version to the Google Maps Geocoding API integrated into the Listable theme. (In the free version Google Maps Geocoding API is limited to 2500 requests per day or 50 requests per second, which can disrupt or block the import of your listings.) Listable WPAI AddOn benefits For more information, visit our dedicated page Listable WPAI Addon


First, install [WP All Import]. Then install the [Listable WPAI Addon]. To install the [Listable WPAI Addon], either: The [Listable WPAI Addon] will appear in the Step 3 of [WP All Import].


  • All Listable fields import
  • Dedicated section to geolocation listing import
  • Images importing
  • Images SEO data import


Why you should use the Listable WPAI AddOn

  • Instead of using the Custom Fields section of WP All Import, you are shown the all geolocation fields like Latitude, Longitude, Street Name, City, etc.
  • Avoid import problems caused by the limitation of the free version to the Google Maps Geocoding API integrated into the Listable theme

