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Plugin Name

开发者 alxgrlk
更新时间 2013年6月28日 06:17
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


post posts plugin links page shortcode admin SEO lists pageviews paginate listicle


0.1 0.2 0.3


Add multiple posts that can be viewed as a slide show using next / previous buttons out of a single list while editing only one post in your admin panel. This lets you generate listicles ( "In journalism and blogging, a listicle is a short-form of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but is fleshed out with sufficient verbiage to be published as an article. A typical listicle will prominently feature a cardinal number in its title, such as "10 Ways to Warm Up Your Bedroom in Winter",[1] or "25 Hairstyles of the Last Hundred Years",[2] with subsequent subheadings within the text itself reflecting this schema. The word is a portmanteau derived from list and article." Features:


  1. Upload the listicle directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. From within a post or page, add a listicle using the shortcode [listicle][/listicle]
  4. Don't forget to to tease your listicles at
  5. You can style components of your listicle using the css file included with the plugin as a baseline.
A sample shortcode with all its features: [listicle name="sample listicle for readme"] This is the excerpt that will be used to tease the first item in the list from the post you are currently editing. The post within which you are placing this listicle will show this excerpt. This is the "italics" tag. You can generate this using the WordPress WYSIWYG "tinyMCE" by clicking the "i" in the editor. Or, in HTML view you probably know what to do. There should only be one.
  • The text inside the strong / bold tags become the headline of the post generated by listicle. The text inside the list item, also available from the WYSIWYG becomes the content of the list item post. If there is no headline specified using the "b" tag
  • bold and strong should be interchangeable If there is no strong tag listicle will use the name attribute from the listicle shortcode to generate a numbered sequence of titles for the list item posts. For example, this list item would be titled: sample listice for readme - 2. Note: Semantically, strong is the preferred option.
  • Listicle will generate list item "listicle" posts for each list item. You can have as few as one. You can delete listicles by removing the list item from the list and publishing the post.
  • [/listicle]


    0.3 Upgrade to 0.3 in order to use bold or strong, otherwise strong is required


    Getting Errors

    • A shortcode must have a name attribute. The name attribute must be unique.
    • The shortcode must be closed, ie: it will not work if it does not have a [/listicle]
    • The list items

    What is listicle tease

    In order to help promote your site you can pimp your list at In your admin go to tools > listicle tease. Select a category from the subject pulldown and a list by selecting the post that houses it and "list it". creates links back to your teaser page (the post that houses the listicle) so users go to your site to read the list.


    0.1 This version is beta. Feedback greatly appreciated. 0.2 Minor fix to get versioning synched. 0.3 Allow bold tags and strong tags to be used interchangeably