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Live User IP and Location

开发者 obedullah
更新时间 2025年2月9日 21:35
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPL v3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


geolocation user location user IP live IP


1.0 1.0.1


The Live User IP and Location plugin allows you to display the IP address and location information of your site visitors using shortcodes. The plugin relies on the service to retrieve geolocation data based on the user's IP address.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/live-user-ip-and-location directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
  3. Get Your Free Api Key from, go to this URL and then click on "Message Us."
  4. Fill out the form, and IPAPI will send you a free API Key to your given email.
  5. Enter the received API Key in the API Key field on the plugin settings page and save changes. That's it!
  6. Use the provided shortcodes according to your needs: [luipl_ip], [luipl_network], [luipl_version], [luipl_city], [luipl_region], [luipl_region_code], [luipl_country], [luipl_country_name], [luipl_country_code], [luipl_country_code_iso3], [luipl_country_capital], [luipl_country_tld], [luipl_continent_code], [luipl_in_eu], [luipl_postal], [luipl_latitude], [luipl_longitude], [luipl_timezone], [luipl_utc_offset], [luipl_country_calling_code], [luipl_currency], [luipl_currency_name], [luipl_languages], [luipl_country_area], [luipl_country_population], [luipl_asn], [luipl_org], [luipl_all_fields] to display the user's IP and location on any post or page.


  • **How shortcodes will display output** - This is how shortcodes will display data on the posts and pages.


  • Tested for compatibility with the latest WordPress and PHP versions.
  • Initial release.


How do I use the shortcode?

Simply add the required shortcode [luipl_ip], [luipl_network], [luipl_version], [luipl_city], [luipl_region], [luipl_region_code], [luipl_country], [luipl_country_name], [luipl_country_code], [luipl_country_code_iso3], [luipl_country_capital], [luipl_country_tld], [luipl_continent_code], [luipl_in_eu], [luipl_postal], [luipl_latitude], [luipl_longitude], [luipl_timezone], [luipl_utc_offset], [luipl_country_calling_code], [luipl_currency], [luipl_currency_name], [luipl_languages], [luipl_country_area], [luipl_country_population], [luipl_asn], [luipl_org], [luipl_all_fields] to any post or page where you want to display the user's IP and location information.

Can I customize the appearance of the displayed information?

Yes, you can use custom CSS to style the output according to your needs.


1.0.1 1.0