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Livefyre Sidenotes

开发者 Livefyre
Mike Soldner
Michael Liao
更新时间 2014年12月9日 00:35
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.8 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5


comments real-time social facebook twitter community engagement email notification moderation spam protection conversation blog comments annotations


1.0.0 1.0.2


With Livefyre Sidenotes, your readers can engage directly with content — a quote, a paragraph, an image — anywhere on your blog posts, inspiring focused conversations and allowing readers to interact with and share your content as they read it. Elevate the quality of conversations:


  1. Download the Livefyre Sidenotes plugin file
  2. Log in to your WP Admin panel and click on Plugins from the Admin menu on the left
  3. Click on Add New from the Plugins menu
  4. Click on Upload and choose the plugin file, and then click Install Now
  5. When the automated installation has completed, click Activate Plugin
  6. If your site uses Livefyre comments already, connect your account and your site’s ID to Sidenotes. If not, you’ll be guided through creating a new Livefyre account.


What if I already have Livefyre Community Comments installed on my WordPress blog?

Livefyre Sidenotes is a separate WordPress plugin from Livefyre Comments. If you already have Livefyre Comments on your site, you can install Sidenotes as well with your existing Livefyre Site ID.

Do Sidenotes count as comments that sync to the WordPress database?

No. Sidenotes are connected to the content on the page, and do not sync with or replace WordPress’ default comments. Unlike Livefyre Comments, you will not see Sidenotes data go into your WordPress database.

Are Sidenotes mobile friendly?

Yes! Sidenotes can be created and read on all Android and iOS devices.

What if I change the content a Sidenote is on?

Sidenotes can be attached to paragraphs, images or specific words in a post. If you edit, modify or move that content, its Sidenotes will remain attached to it. If you delete the content altogether, you will also delete the Sidenotes attached to it.

Is there someone I can contact if I’m seeing an issue?

Sure! We recognize that many custom WordPress themes and configurations exist, so if seeing any issues while getting Sidenotes integrated onto yours, feel free to contact, and we’ll be happy to help.
