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开发者 StephenCronin
更新时间 2015年6月1日 21:16
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.8.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2.2


travel currency financial currency converter exchange rates currency rates


2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8.1 2.9 2.3


The LocalCurrency WordPress plugin allows visitors to see currency values in their local currency (in brackets after the original value). For example: If the site's currency is Chinese yuan and the post contains 10 yuan, a user from Australia will see 10 yuan (AUD$1.53), while a user from US will see 10 yuan (USD$1.39). Why Use It? I've seen many bloggers write something like: 10 yuan (about $1.50) - because many of their readers don't know how much the yuan (or whatever currency they are using) is worth. LocalCurrency automatically does this for you and tells readers exactly how much it's worth, in their own currency, wherever they are from. Features: How To Use (once plugin is installed) Enter any currency values you want converted using the localcurrency shortcode. For example: [localcurrency]$65[/localcurrency] This can be done manually through the Visual view in the post editor, or using the LocalCurrency Quicktag in the Code view (select the number to be converted and click the quicktag). For a currency range, use a hyphen between values (without spaces), eg: [localcurrency]$65-$75[/localcurrency] There is a site-wide Site Currency setting which is used as the 'from' currency. To override this and convert from a different currency for a specific value, specify the 'from' currency (using a valid currency code): [localcurrency from="AUD"]$65[/localcurrency] The plugin will work with more than one currency per page, but will be much slower. Note: This plugin used to use the following format: <!--LCSTART-->$10<!--LCEND-->. This will still work but it is recommended to use the shortcode format shown above. Please do not use both formats on the one page. Warning The plugin strips non numeric characters (such as $) from between the tags, before converting the value. However, some currency symbols may include numeric characters. For example, 10元 may be stored as 10&#20803;. The 20803 will remain after the non numeric characters are stripped and will be considered as part of the value to convert, resulting in an incorrect value. If you experience this problem, please leave the currency sign outside the tags (ie: 元[localcurrency]10[/localcurrency]). Compatibility: Support: This plugin is officially not supported (due to my time constraints), but if you post problems to the support forum, I'll try to help. Disclaimer This plugin is released under the GPL licence. I do not accept any responsibility for any damages or losses, direct or indirect, that may arise from using the plugin or these instructions. This software is provided as is, with absolutely no warranty. Please refer to the full version of the GPL license for more information.


  1. Download the plugin file and unzip it.
  2. Upload the localcurrency folder to the wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  3. Activate the LocalCurrency plugin within WordPress. Note: The plugin is large compared to most WordPress plugins, due the IP2C database used to recognise the reader's country Alternatively, you can install the plugin automatically through the WordPress Admin interface by going to Plugins -> Add New and searching for LocalCurrency.
  1. Please update this plugin through the WordPress Admin interface.


Will there be future enhancements to LocalCurrency?

This plugin was created in my spare time, which is ever-dwindling. I have intentions to update it regularly, but recognise that other things must take precendence. If you have a request, by all means contact me and I'll put it on the list of things to do, but I can't guarantee how long it will take.


2.9 (1st June 2015) 2.8.1 (21st May 2015) 2.8 (21st May 2015) 2.7 (23rd October 2014) 2.6 (25th October 2013) 2.5 (4th July 2013) 2.4 (28th June 2013) 2.3 (13th November 2012) 2.2 (29th September 2010) 2.1 (28th September 2010) 2.0 (15th September 2010) 1.01 (24th February 2008) 1.0 (20th February 2008)