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LSX Health & Fitness Plans

开发者 feedmymedia
更新时间 2022年5月26日 18:08
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.0
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


fitness recipe workouts meals lsx exercises


2.0.2 1.0 1.0.1 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.3.0 1.3.2 2.0.0 2.0.1 1.3.1


Global health trends are towards working out at home, market your idea of a healthy lifestyle to a wider audience. The LSX Health Plan plugin has been designed to work with the LSX theme, and adds the ability to display a fully integrated eating and workout plan on your website. We’re firm believers in open source – that’s why the LSX Theme and the LSX Health Plan plugin are free, and that won’t change. We consistently maintain and update this plugin to ensure compatibility with latest WordPress versions. This plugin adds the ability to include a structured exercise and nutrition programme to your WordPress website using the LSX Theme and extensions. Browse our [LSX Health Plan demo site] ( to see how the plugin works. Health Plans Meal Plans Workout Plans Free Companion Theme LSX Team is built to show off the best of the WordPress block editor, but it requires the free LSX theme in the WordPress theme repository as the perfect companion for LSX Blocks - Block Editor Support The LSX theme is full compatible with the WordPress block editor. This means you can now make use of the drag-and-drop page builder when creating new pages and posts. LSX Blocks is an extension with blocks designed to display perfectly with the LSX theme. The blocks plugin extends various WordPress core blocks to be more flexible with the WordPress theme. The combination of LSX Theme & LSX Blocks gives you a true page builder experience using the WordPress Gutenberg block editor. Free LSX Extensions The LSX Health Plan plugin is designed to work with the LSX Theme, our theme allows you to display your Health Plan content beautifully. Easily extend your Health Plan website by searching for the LSX extensions below via "Add Plugins" in your WordPress backend: Integrates with WooCommerce Documentation Support Contact the LightSpeed for assistance via the LSX support form. Your WordPress website needs to be running PHP version 7.0 or higher in order to make use of the LSX Health Plan plugin. If you still require help with the LSX Health Plan Plugin, please log any bug issues you are having on the Github Issues page, or send an email to Contributing to the LSX Health Plan plugin If you're a developer who's spotted a bug issue and have a fix, or simply have functionality you think would extend our core plugin, we are always happy to accept your contribution! Visit the LSX Health Plan Plugin on Github and submit a Pull Request with your updates.


  • Meal & workout plan with 4 weeks
  • Workouts archive template
  • Single meal plan that is in progress
  • My Dashboard > Account Details
  • Exercises archive template
  • Meals archive template
  • My Dashboard with a view of my active & completed plans
  • The main plans archive, this is where customers can purchase plans.
  • Single Recipe template
  • Recipes archive template
  • Single workout plan that is in progress
  • Meal & workout plan with 4 weeks
  • Workouts archive template
  • Single meal plan that is in progress
  • My Dashboard > Account Details


Can I add my own workouts or meals?

Yes! You can add as many types of workouts and connect exercises as you want.

Can I add my own meal plans?

Yes! You can add as many types of meal plans and connect recipes as you want.

Does it work on mobile?

Yes! We designed all the LSX Health Plan templates using Mobile First approach. These templates are fully responsive within the LSX theme and will display effectively on smartphones and tablets.

I’ve installed the plugin, now what?

Create a plan by going to Plans > Add new. Give your plan a title (e.g. Day 1, Monday, Boot Camp). Assign it to a Week category if you want to display the Plans by week. Create a workout plan (link to documentation) and a meal plan (link to documentation) to link to your Plan. Connect your workouts and meals to the main Plan.

How do I display my plan on my website?

After you have created your PLAN, and connected the workouts, meal or recipes, you can use the following shortcodes to display your plan on your website. A daily plan layout: [lsx_health_plan_day_plan_block] A weekly plan layout, with collapsible rows: [lsx_health_plan_day_plan_block week_view="true"] Find more shortcodes here

Do I have to activate WooCommerce to use this plugin?

No, but if you want to enable a profile page and sell your plans online then WooCommerce is required. The LSX Health Plan plugin is designed for WooCommerce and WooCommerce Memberships compatibility.


Lastest changelogs can be found on GitHub.