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Vimeo Short Code

开发者 Matroschka
Gabriele Maidecchi
更新时间 2013年12月15日 14:44
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.8.1-alpha


plugin video embed shortcode html5 movie clip vimeo quicktag flv



Allows the user to embed Vimeo movie clips by entering a shortcode ([vimeo]) into the post area. Vimeo's options regarding the display of meta properties like by-line, title, or the video author's portrait are supported as short code attributes. We built this plugin as a solution for embedding videos on our site. Credits HTML5 embed code contributed by Gabriele Maidecchi. German translation by @talkpress. Usage
  1. Enter the [vimeo clip_id="XXXXXXX"] short code into any post. clip_id is the number from the clip's URL (e.g.
  2. Optionally modify the clip's appearance by specifying width or height, like so: [vimeo clip_id="XXXXXXX" width="400" height="225"]
  3. Toggle the display of byline, portrait and title like so: [vimeo clip_id="XXXXXXX" byline="0" portrait="1" title="1"]
  4. Using empty values for either the width or height attributes will cause Lux Vimeo to calculate the proper dimension based on a 16:9 aspect ration. Example: [vimeo clip_id="12345678" height="300" width=""] or [vimeo clip_id="12345678" height="" width="640"]


  1. Unzip and upload the contained files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


Version 1.3
  1. Bug fixes
  2. Remove deprecated old embedding method with OBJECTs
  3. Tested for WP 3.8.1-alpha compatibility
Version 1.2
  1. Tested for WP 3.7-alpha compatibility
Version 1.1
  1. Added attributes: byline, title, portrait, html5 (props Gabriele Maidecchi), color
  2. Fixed bug in dimension calculation.
Version 1.0 Initial release.