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MachForm Shortcode

开发者 laymance
更新时间 2025年1月15日 03:27
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


forms shortcode MachForm AppNitro


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.0 1.5.0


MachForms is an excellent, easy to use form builder that you host on your own server or site. Until now, its been difficult and required "jumping through some hoops" to embed a form made with MachForm on your WordPress site. That is no more! You can now add a MachForm form anywhere on your site using a simple shortcode! Need a form in a blog post? Need a form on a page? No problem. For more information, check out the plugin page on our website. Features include: Easy to use! This plugin isn't just for developers, no matter what your skill level you can use this plugin to easily add forms from your MachForms system to your website! How to use the shortcode:
  1. Click the "Code" option on your form inside of MachForm to see the embed codes.
  2. Make note of your form's "ID" and the "height".
  3. Use the shortcode to embed your form into your content using this format: [machform type=("js" or "iframe") id=(ID #) height=(height #)]
  4. You are done, your form should show in your content now!
URL Parameters: The plugin now supports URL parameters. The parameters are easy to pass via the shortcode by simply including the parameter and value inside of the shortcode like the following example: [machform type=js id=1593 height=703 element_1_1="Field Text Here" element_1_2="Field Text Here"] For more information on using URL Parameters with MachForm, please see their website by clicking here. Review or Rating Don't forget to leave a review or a rating, and also connect with us on social media! Thank you for your support. IMPORTANT NOTE: MachForms is a 3rd party application sold by AppNitro. Installing this plugin allows you to use a shortcode anywhere on your site to embed a form that is created in MachForms. This plugin does not provide a form builder interface.


  1. Install MachForm Shortcode either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
  2. After activating MachForm Shortcode, navigate to the "MachForm Shortcode" menu link under "Settings" in your WordPress admin.
  3. Supply the URL/location of your MachForm installation and click "Save Configuration".
  4. You're done! Use the shortcode to add forms to your site!


  • MachForm embed example, where to get the ID and height.
  • Sample usage in a new post.
  • Configuration screen.
  • MachForm embed example, where to get the ID and height.
  • Sample usage in a new post.
  • Configuration screen.
  • MachForm embed example, where to get the ID and height.


What version of MachForm does this plugin work with?

We have only tested the plugin with versions 3.5 and 4.x of MachForm. If you have an older version, and the plugin does not work with it, please contact us and we'll add support for it (we would need a sample form and a copy of what the embed string looks like)! You can contact us by visiting our website at

I've found a bug, what can I do?

Please let us know and we'll get it fixed right away. Contact us via our website at

What is the shortcode format?

Here is how to use the shortcode: [machform type=("js" or "iframe") id=(ID #) height=(height #)] If the "type" is not given, it will default to the javascript ("js") method. If the "height" is not given, it will default to a height of 800 pixels. But please give the height to ensure that your form appears correctly! The ID is a REQUIRED field.

I want the plugin to do XXX or have feature XXX, can you add it?

Most likely! Shoot us an email at and tell us what you want added, we'll do our best!


1.5 1.4.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0