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Plugin Name

开发者 aminmazrouei
更新时间 2015年9月13日 22:06
PHP版本: 4.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


seo image optimize images seo image seo images seo nextgen nextgen images optimize nextgen seo nextgen gallery seo nextgen images seo google image



Magic SEO Image For NextGen help's you change images ALT so quickly and easily . in plugin admin area last forty posts tag's are listed.also you can add you'r own keywords(alts) .there is an autocomplete field helps you choose the best keywords as alt by using Google Suggest system. there is two choices : you can set all selected images alts the same or set alts random,in "bulk alt" mode all keywords are concatenate to each other and assign to selected images. in random mode keyword will assign to an image complettly random. SEO all images in 3 steps:
  1. add your own keywords or select from posts tags
  2. select desired images
  3. select either "Change Alt" or "Random change Alt"
Thats it!


  1. Upload nextgen-magic-seo-image to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


  • plugin admin area
  • google autocomplete helps you find best phrases
  • selected words are ready to asign
  • and now the magic,all keywords are asigned to images randomly


does this plugin add alts in the fly or permanently?

all changes are done at database ,of course you can change image's alt at any time.

is it possible to change image title and description?

unfortunatly no,it is not possible in free version , this feature is available in pro version.

