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MC4WP: Mailchimp User Sync

开发者 Ibericode
更新时间 2019年10月15日 22:05
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce mailchimp zapier sync users mc4wp synchronize mailchimp list


0.1.1 0.1.2 1.0 1.0.2 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 1.4.7 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.1.3 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.7.6 1.7.7 1.8.0 1.8.1


User Sync for Mailchimp Synchronize your registered WordPress users with a Mailchimp list of your choice.
To use Mailchimp User Sync, please install either the free or premium version of the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin.
MC4WP: User Sync, at a glance.. Mailchimp User Sync will monitor your WordPress user base and automatically synchronize any changes with a selected Mailchimp list. This allows you to keep a Mailchimp list of subscribers that is an exact mirror of your WordPress user base. After activation, the plugin will listen to all changes in your WordPress users and make sure everything stays in sync with the selected Mailchimp list. Development of Mailchimp User Sync Bug reports (and Pull Requests) for Mailchimp User Sync are welcomed on GitHub. Please note that GitHub is not a support forum. More information


Mailchimp for WordPress Since this plugin depends on the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin, you will need to install that first. Installing Mailchimp User Sync
  1. Make sure Mailchimp for WordPress is installed (free or premium).
  2. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Mailchimp User Sync and click "Install now"
  3. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/.
  4. Activate the plugin
  5. Set your Mailchimp API key in Mailchimp for WP > Mailchimp Settings.
  6. Select a list to sync with in Mailchimp for WP > Sync.]
  7. (optional) Select a specific user role to synchronize.
  8. (optional) synchronize your existing users.


  • Synchronization settings
  • Status overview
  • Synchronization settings
  • Status overview
  • Synchronization settings
  • Status overview


1.2 Add support for Mailchimp webhooks to enable 2-way synchronizing.


I think I found a bug. What now?

Please report it on GitHub issues if it's not in the list of known issues.

I have another question

Please open a topic on the plugin support forums.

Send additional fields to Mailchimp

Since version 1.1, you can specify which additional user fields to send to Mailchimp by mapping your fields on the settings page of the plugin. If you need to send more complex data you can use the mailchimp_sync_user_data filter. add_filter( 'mailchimp_sync_user_data', function( $data, $user ) { $data['WEBSITE'] = $user->user_url; return $data; }, 10, 2 );

Only synchronize users based on a custom criteria

You can set your own criteria for subscribing a user by hooking into the mailchimp_sync_should_sync_user filter. ` add_filter( 'mailchimp_sync_should_sync_user', function( $subscribe, $user ) { // check for custom user field if( $user->subscribe_me ) { return true; } // do not subscribe otherwise return false; }); `

Can I run this from the command-line?

Yes, you can. The plugin registers two WP CLI commands. wp mailchimp-sync all # synchronize all users wp mailchimp-sync all --role=administrator # synchronize all users with "administrator" role wp mailchimp-sync user $user_id # synchronize the user specified by the given ID This is especially useful for synchronising a huge amount of users.

Does this plugin synchronize data back from Mailchimp?

Not by default, but you can enable this by configuring a webhook in your Mailchimp account.


1.8.1 - Oct 15, 2019 Improvements 1.8.0 - Oct 7, 2019 Compatibility with Mailchimp for WordPress version 4.6. 1.7.6 - Dec 3, 2018 Improvements 1.7.5 - July 4, 2018 Improvements Additions 1.7.4 - May 28, 2018 Additions 1.7.3 - April 30, 2018 Improvements 1.7.2 - March 14, 2018 Fixes 1.7.1 - March 13, 2018 Fixes Additions 1.7 - February 16, 2018 Fixes Improvements 1.6.4 - December 12, 2017 Improvements 1.6.3 - December 4, 2017 Fixes Improvements 1.6.2 - November 22, 2017 Fixes Improvements 1.6.1 - November 21, 2017 Fixes 1.6 - November 2, 2017 Additions Improvements 1.5.4 - May 23, 2017 Fixes Improvements Additions 1.5.3 - January 18, 2017 Fixes Improvements 1.5.2 - September 28, 2016 Fixes Improvements Additions 1.5.1 - September 7, 2016 Fixes Improvements 1.5 - August 4, 2016 Improvements 1.4.7 - July 8, 2016 Fixes Improvements 1.4.6 - June 14, 2016 Fixes Additions 1.4.5 - May 25, 2016 Fixes 1.4.4 - May 25, 2016 Fixes Improvements 1.4.3 - April 13, 2016 Improvements 1.4.2 - March 14, 2016 Fixes Improvements 1.4.1 - February 10, 2016 Fixes Improvements 1.4 - January 26, 2016 This update requires you to update Mailchimp for WordPress to version 3.1 first. Fixes Improvements Changes Additions 1.3.3 - January 14, 2016 Fixes 1.3.2 - January 13, 2016 Fixes Improvements 1.3.1 - November 13, 2015 Improvements Additions 1.3 - October 17, 2015 Fixes Improvements 1.2.3 - October 12, 2015 Fixes Improvements 1.2.2 - October 7, 2015 Additions 1.2.1 - October 1, 2015 Improvements Fixes 1.2 - September 24, 2015 Additions 1.1.3 - September 9, 2015 Fixes Improvements 1.1.2 - September 8, 2015 Fixes Improvements 1.1.1 - August 28, 2015 Additions 1.1 - August 28, 2015 Additions 1.0.2 - August 18, 2015 Improvements 1.0.1 - July 14, 2015 Improvements 1.0 - May 29, 2015 Fixes Improvements Additions For more detailed usage info on the introduced features, have a look at the Mailchimp User Sync FAQ. 0.1.2 - March 17, 2015 Fixes Improvements 0.1.1 - February 17, 2015 Fixes Improvements 0.1 - January 23, 2015 Initial release.