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开发者 MailKitchen
更新时间 2020年2月28日 00:05
PHP版本: 4.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


newsletter marketing email marketing subscribers emailing mailkitchen


1.0 1.0.1 1.1 1.2 1.2.1


Note: This plugin is not compatible with the 5.0 version and higher. We do not recommand to install this plugin on the latest Wordpress versions. This plugin for Wordpress allows you to create a Newsletter sign-up form that you can easily add to your website. Once that you inserted the sign-up form on your website, users can subscribe to your newsletter and they are automatically added to a Mailing List on your MailKitchen account. You can then create your Newsletters using your MailKitchen account and send your email campaigns to your subscribers Requires an active account. To create an account, visit our website : MailKitchen free subscription


  1. Unzip the archive and put the mailkitchen folder into your plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu.
  3. Create a form
  4. Add the form to you website (choosing, for example, to add it to your website footer)


  • Simply sign in with your Mailkitchen account
  • Create easely a new sign-up form


1.2.1 *used the wp_localize_script() to determine the correct admin-ajax url 1.2 *Update for WordPress 4.3 1.1 *Patch name plugin 1.0.1 *Language Update 1.0 *This is the first version of this plugin