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Map Visualizer

开发者 dsamourkasidis
更新时间 2016年12月28日 01:13
PHP版本: 4.1.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7
版权: GPL 3.0
版权网址: 版权信息


leaflet map csv geocode visualization



Map Visualizer allows users to import csv files, and to create a map out of them using the plugin's interface. After you have successfully imported (or created) a data source, you can visualise it on a map and add it to your posts/pages with a shortcode. All shortcodes can be constructed easily through the plugin's interface. CSV File Format In order for the CSV file to be imported successfully, its format must comply with the following rules: shortcode format The general format of this plugin's shortcodes is [visualise]. Available attributes include:


  1. Upload the content of the ZIP archive to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Import your file through the Import CSV File' page. Alternatively create your own through the 'Create New File' page.
  4. View your stored files, construct and copy a shortcode through the 'List All Files' page.
  5. Paste the shortcode in the text where you want the map visualization to appear


  • Circle Markers on a Google Satellite map
  • Polygons on a Google Satellite map
  • Simple Markers on a Google Street map
  • Circle Markers on a Google Satellite map
  • Polygons on a Google Satellite map
  • Simple Markers on a Google Street map
  • Circle Markers on a Google Satellite map


What file formats are supported?

For now, only CSV files are supported. However, there is room for adding geojson or netCDF support on future versions.

Is there a limit for the CSV file size?

Theoretically, no there isn't. You should take into account, however, your hosting provider restrictions.


1.0 *Initial Release