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MapFig Studio

开发者 MapFig
更新时间 2016年6月22日 23:03
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5.3
版权: GPLv3


Google Maps OSM Maps Leaflet OpenStreetMap Map BING maps MapBox Maps MapFig


0.2.0 0.2.1


The MapFig Studio Plugin allows you to import, manage, and display maps created in any MapFig Studio installation (self-hosted, our free public cloud, SaaS, etc..). This plugin is designed to be as simple to use as possible. The only configuration required is adding your API and Studio URL. You can then add maps to your pages and posts using the "Add MapFig Map" button. An integrated Widget is also included. Open Source MapFig is an Open Source initiative with the aim of allowing users of all skill levels to easily add custom Leaflet maps to any web site. If you do not have your own MapFig Studio, you can create a forever-free account on our Public Cloud at MapFig Studio Features The MapFig Studio plugin allows you to: If you want to create your Maps within WordPress, try our MapFig Leaflet Plugin at MapFig Leaflet Map Plugin. MapFig Leaflet Maps Plugin Feaures Plugin features are identical. Supported versions just gives you direct ticket support. You can also opt to add GPX, SVG, and Playback at no additional charge. The reason that GPX, SVG, and Playback are offered separately as for 99% of WordPress users they would not be used and would just add complexity to the plugin. Plugin's Official Site


Simple Installation using WP
  1. Login on your WordPress site as admin user.
  2. Select "Add New" from the "Plugins" menu
  3. Search for mapfig or maps
  4. Below the entry "MapFig Studio", click "Install now"
  5. Click on "OK" when prompted "Are you sure you want to install this plugin?"
  6. Click "Activate Plugin"
That's all. You will also have a "Add MapFig Map" button above your editor for pages and posts. For basic usage and tutorials, please see MapFig Studio Plugin Docs Manual Installation You can also install the plugin manually:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Download Version x.x" and download the plugin as a zip file to your desktop.
  3. Log in to your WordPress site as admin user.
  4. Select "Add New" from the "Plugins" menu
  5. Select "Upload" from the "Install Plugins" menu
  6. Select zip file you downloaded to your desktop
  7. Click "Install now"
  8. Click "Activate Plugin"
That's all. You will also have a "Add MapFig Map" button above your editor for pages and posts. For basic usage and tutorials, please see MapFig Studio Plugin Docs Install via FTP
  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Download Version x.x" and download the plugin as a zip file to your desktop.
  3. Log in to your WordPress site as admin user.
  4. unzip and upload the MapFig folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  5. Log in to your WordPress installation as admin user.
  6. Activate the plugin "MapFig Studio" through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress
That's all. You will also have a "Add MapFig Map" button above your editor for pages and posts. For basic usage and tutorials, please see MapFig Studio Plugin Docs


  • MapFig Studio Plugin - Add maps to post and pages
  • MapFig Leaflet Plugin (Our Stand Alone Leaflet Plugin)
  • MapFig Studio Plugin - Import and Manage Maps
  • MapFig Studio Plugin - Add maps to post and pages
  • MapFig Leaflet Plugin (Our Stand Alone Leaflet Plugin)
  • MapFig Studio Plugin - Import and Manage Maps
  • MapFig Studio Plugin - Add maps to post and pages


Licence This plugin is free and released under GPLv3. You can redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License V3. For licenses used under MapFig Studio, please see full list at